

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Metropolitan of Morfou Neophytos : "This is what Gerontissa Galaktia tol...

- Is it a sin to prevent pregnancy by using contraceptive methods such as the morning-after pill or the spiral etc? - Right....You see, I knew I would be talking to family men here, or maybe some will soon become ones... Of course, I see that some will soon be monks but these are very few, five or six.... The rest are family men. The mystery which the majority of people choose to have is the mystery of marriage. And it's the mystery that has been wronged more than any other. This is proven by the great number of divorces But very few people know, that one of the reasons behind this rising number of divorces is the use of different contraceptive methods such as the morning after pill, the spiral.....The priest here who knows better since he's a married priest, says it's called "the Coil" in English, and other similar methods... Personally, matters of this kind, although I'm quite talkative, I did not bring up, and concerning matters of this sort, I referred couples to married priests for confession. Until, about ten years ago, in 2016, almost ten years ago, who do you think called me? The holy Gerontissa Galaktia from Crete island. She praised me for certain things that I did, and she reprimanded me for two things. The first was: "Your fathers [the Saints] ordered you to speak out after the age of fifty, so why aren't you doing so?" I said, "But Gerontissa I do speak out" "Who do you speak out to? To the Acacia trees?" It seems that God enlightened her about our village Akaki (Acacia) and instead of Akaki she said acacia trees.... And she added, "Who is even listening to you?" And then I decided together with a friend to install this system you see here .... so that these homilies are transmitted and also the experiences we gathered from our connection to the Saints of God that we have met, in the life of the contemporary faithful. So, Gerontissa Galaktia's second remark, - Galaktia who performs a lot of miracles today...she slept in the Lord - when was it? - about three or four years ago... So... I asked her, "What do you want me to speak out about?" I realized at once that I didn't have to do with a simple "Yaya" (Granny) but with a great saint, of the same caliber as Saint Porphyrios. Holy men who can see the Heavenly, where her sanctified soul is, that she has reached levels of sainthood equal to five other great saints of the twentieth century One of these five Saints is Saint Nektarios. Just think of the heights this woman has reached, who became a nun, my dear Sisters, when she got old, while she was bedridden and sick the last two or three years of her life... When I went to Crete in 2016, I saw her with her cane, just like a granny... A simple granny, Granny Galaktia, actually was called Galateia and when she was tonsured a nun she became nun Galaktia. So, when I asked her, "What should I be saying to people? What do our Saints want me to be telling people?" She told me something that, as we say in our Cypriot dialect, "my jaw dropped" She said, "You should be speaking out about the dirty stuff" Do you hear what she said to me? "Speak out about the dirty stuff, the kind other people are embarrassed to talk about, or are afraid to mention because their conscience isn't clear" And then I asked her, "Which dirty stuff should I be talking about?" She said, "My son, Christ revealed to me that a great disaster is coming in the next few years and the whole world will be shaken and the reason is mainly three sins people commit. The first reason is abortions. The things we have just mentioned in other words are Because the "morning after pill", also the coil, and others, are abortions. So, all these abortions performed are reason number one, and secondly, the unnatural sexual acts inside and outside marriage, and the third reason is witchcraft and satanism in general. Truly, now that many years have gone by, abnormal sex is equally performed not only by homosexuals but by married people, unfortunately, within marriage.... Truly, we also received the same message from another Saint of the twenty-first century, St Ephraim of Arizona, who asked us "to be calling a spade a spade" (to be calling unnatural sexual acts by their proper name) And when the late Athena Sideri (St Ephraim's spiritual child ) asked, "What do you mean father when you say that we should be calling a spade a spade?" he replied, "You should be openly talking about unnatural things married couples do in bed, the oral and anal sex" He added, "These actions have gathered plenty of demonic "germs", and if you add the abortions on top, plus the fact that instead of going to pilgrimages and to spiritual Fathers to confess their sins, they go to mediums, psychics (fortune tellers, sorcerers, tarot readers, etc) They go to fortune tellers, to coffee readers, to parapsychologists. Plus the fact that we have jammed our country full of every Tom, Dick, and Harry, i.e.... Africans, Asians, Bulgarians, Romanians, people who have a tradition with such things as sorcery... All these contraceptive methods mentioned here by the person who asked this question, it's not just the fact that innocent creatures are killed, right at the moment they are conceived, since, for us to answer precise questions about the morning-after pill and the coil.....- - Was it quill or coil? - Coil..... we need to ask this theological and philosophical question: When does a human being start to exist? When does a human being start to exist? That child you are holding in your arms, Anthimos, when did Anthimos start to exist? Right at the moment of conception. Basil the Great says and our priest Andreas repeats: Man starts to exist right from the exact moment of conception. At the very moment of conception. When the husband's sperm cell is captured by the wife's egg Even the word "conception" (in Greek it also means "capture") just like when we say that the police captured... So, the woman's egg "captured" the sperm cell. Do you know what this shows? Superiority of the woman's egg. The sperm cell is captured. The woman's egg was captured. Two different energies but they come across each other, intermingle, and the substance of the one gets into the substance of the other Thus Anthimos is created. Right from that first moment, from that first second... Suppose he had a mother who lacked the fear of God, or a coward mother, who had no desire for other children because these two exhausted her, and she starts using these contraceptive methods, for example, the coil, and the morning-after pill or other similar "recipes", of which there are a lot nowadays and they even go to magicians asking for a magic spell to prevent a pregnancy In other words, a woman's womb is demonized in this way This does not only involve the killing of a child-like Anthimos before he is born and has a chance to thrive in life This is the terrible part of it St Paisios wanted to show us how terrible abortion is, whether it's happening inside the woman's womb by using the methods we mentioned, or in a hospital, he said..... Listen to what the Saint used to say...How sensitive Saint Paisios was and how dynamic at the same time This "Army Ranger" of our Church, this man who would become abrupt or rageful if necessary, and you would say, "He'd better beat me up rather than say this to me" When he heard of abortions he would say: "Have these children you don't want to have, bring them to me to be baptized so that are registered as citizens of the Heavens, and then kill them" Do you hear that? Do you think that the Saint would want to kill a child? He wanted to show us how significant Baptism and Chrismation are. But there's also another side to this. Especially concerning these two methods mentioned by the person who asked this question. What is it? The abortions are so many, especially by the coils inserted in the woman's womb, that, according to the holy Geronda Ephraim of Arizona, this constant state of aborting fetuses produces "germs" If we do not take good care of our body, if we don't wash, we'll have bodily germs.... The same goes for our souls. Our soul produces germs too....What kind of germs? Demonic, invisible germs... And other demons are invited then, "Come over here, this woman is killing her babies each time she has intercourse" "Come and dwell in her" "Come and dwell in her husband too. Come and dwell in her children and her friends" Do you understand what I mean? This is a side we do not see. But the Saints can see it, because their nous and their hearts have been cleansed Therefore, avoiding pregnancy isn't the only problem. Nor is the murder of defenseless unborn children but also the production of demonic microbes that can be transmitted into the environment. This leads us to another question concerning divorces. "We see that the number of divorces is rising each year, Perhaps the Holy Synod [of Cyprus] should inaugurate a new office for the catechism of couples on marriage". You'd better leave the Holy Synod out of this...Full stop. So... "Our desires follow an underground path", according to Savvopoulos (a composer and singer who wrote and sang this song) Why is the number of divorces rising so much? Of course, one of the factors contributing to this is.... that our people, especially the younger ones, have been left uncatechized (uninstructed, uneducated). Uninstructed. First, by their parents. Let me repeat, first they've been left uncatechized by their parents. In the past, our parents - I'm 62- were teaching us by using only a couple of words and also by their daily Greek Orthodox example. Where is the example today? The granny of today who is stuck in front of the TV screen waiting for the next episode of the new series? The mother of today who only thinks of beauty salons and when to have highlights done in her hair? Tell me...Where is the example? Or the husband of today, who is fed up with his wife and children, and is constantly looking for something else.... saying to his friend, "Is there anything new mate? Have you seen anything interesting on the internet?" and they wink with a meaning...." Have you seen anything special?" Trying to find ways to escape from our loneliness, from our depression From our life which is without meaning, without joy. As a consequence, the children grow up alone. They may have money but they grow up alone. No school can substitute for the role of the granny, the mother, or the father, even if the school was to be organized by the Holy Synod...Let's not be stupid So, the young person of today enters a marriage unprepared. Uneducated. (Uninstructed, uncatechized) Unaware of the limits of their own body first. Secondly, they are unaware that they have an eternal immortal soul by the Grace of God. They think that their body will never die and they don't care. They think to themselves, "Death concerns old people" But here comes a vaccine and we see more young people die than old ones. What a deception! And they fooled the whole world. Therefore you realize that on one level there's the visible, the perceptible, for example, educational programs, the example of the granny, of the father, of the mother This is one part, the logical part of the soul which also needs nourishment, to be informed in an Orthodox way, I'm not denying this But it is not enough. We don't just owe what we are today, Father Andreas or myself, to our mother's, father's or granny's example... Father Andreas from the village of Palaichori and myself from Zodia... No, there's more to it. Do you remember the song that went like this? "You are something else..." "You are something great, immensely great...." And there's something great that transcends us.... and this is our nous The nous of people, and the nous of God. These two nous should unite with the help of the Angels, of the Saints, of the Mysteries, of the Spiritual Father who is called "spiritual" because his role is to lead us to the Holy Spirit and teach us how to distinguish evil demonic spirits from the Holy Spirit. So that we don't get confused or misled. The contemporary young man or woman enters a marriage having no idea about these things..... - needless to say what's happening in European Schools... They have shown us with the new lawless bills they want to pass in Greece, Cyprus, and the rest of Europe, what kind of education they are planning to have. What kind of education do they want to impose? This is why I constantly use this phrase: "The atheist demonic Letters of Europe" Does a Diocese, the Holy Synod, a rich village like Lithrodonta, a big village, want to give something to little children? To children even younger than Anthimos? - How old are you, son? -Ten - Ten is too old already! Saint Porphyrios used to say, "Ten years old? Your personality has already been shaped" This is what he said. He said that the children store experiences, information, and heredity up to the age of six maximum of seven. That's it. Then you unfold your napkin to see what you have caught. Perhaps you have inherited traits from your ancestors or else you got traits from your family environment. And this molding of a personality when does it start? It starts right at the moment of conception. Do you understand? Saint Porphyrios who was an expert on all of these things said that even the way a couple has intercourse, the way they make love at the moment of conception, and throughout the nine months of pregnancy, shape Anthimos for life (and every child) ..... The poor child is yawning, how many times have we mentioned his name? You sat in the front row, so what did you expect? So a human being is shaped throughout this period Now how are these two related, i.e. the rising number of divorces and the use of contraceptive methods, coil, etc. - Did I say it right? - Well done! How do we get there? And these holy people of God said that the couples who choose, for their pleasure to have oral or anal sex, unnatural sex in other words, not normal, not natural, because of the many demonic energies present in the atmosphere - because we don't have the power to resist these days against such negative spirits - are doomed to live a passionate love before marriage - pay attention, they are madly in love before marriage and enjoy it and they enjoy sex in all aspects of it And as soon as they get married: "I'm fed up with you" And they were madly in love! These people knew each other physically before marriage - perhaps they even had a child And right after the holy mystery of marriage takes place since there's no connection with Christ or His Church, - and it's something the Apostle Paul says, This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church When there's no such a relationship, the Holy Spirit departs, - which was already gone before the Mystery of marriage had been performed anyway - and the evil spirits arrive, plus the ugly stuff we mentioned: "For it is shameful even to speak of those things " (Unnatural sex) You must realize now that no matter how many homilies you perform, Metropolitan of Morfou, father Andreas, or any priest in the world, no matter how many schools you may build when people do not repent when they have no Spiritual Father to confess and go again and again, and have their DNA cleansed, and their memory also.. John Romanides (a theologian, Eastern Orthodox priest, and scholar) talked about cellular memory. Every cell and every organ in our body has its cellular memory. Let's have it cleansed... This is the only way to construct a healthy lifestyle and enjoy life. Otherwise, we'll be drifted here and there by the demons. The same goes for the unmarried ones. And if these things are valid for the married people twice, for the unmarried [priests] who mock God with their priesthood [instead of honoring it], they are valid twenty-two times more Thus I have answered two of your questions. So, the huge rise in divorces is due to..... -I am now revising - First, that the young people have remained uneducated, uninstructed, uncatechized by the ones who should have catechized them, their parents. Especially at a very early age The way they sleep together and the way they make love influences their children, shaping them for life. You may say, "Ok, but if our parents were unrefined, and there was no bishop to guide them" - in the past people were too shy to say such things - and when I first mentioned these things, the journalists were attacking me for months.... and no bishop was found to defend me, except for the Bishop of Karpasia But three Saints ordered me to speak out. Do you know how happy I was when they were accusing me? I was extremely happy. Because I remembered Christ's words from the Beatitudes: "Blessed are you when they insult you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. .. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven;" Since we have failed as ascetics, at least let us strive to make it to Paradise through confessing our faith and catechizing our people. Young people who hear me now, and their parents were unrefined and did nothing, should not despair What your grandparents and parents failed to do, a good and discreet Spiritual Father can do This is why the Spiritual Father is called Spiritual, he's spiritual if he has the Holy Spirit, not just a Father Confessor, a Father Confessor, and a Spiritual Father are two different things. When a Father Confessor is also a Spiritual Father, meaning, he has come to know the healing power of the Holy Spirit in his self, and is constantly cleansing himself by the Grace of God, then he's able to help the tempted faithful. So, if our parents have failed to catechize us, we'll go to a Spiritual Father... Did you know that there are spiritual mothers too? I know of nuns who do this (catechize) but they should be quite old, not like some forty-year-old nuns who pretend to be great Gerontissas Such things require old age...This is why both Saint Porphyrios and Saint Iakovos told me, "Wait until you are over fifty and then start to talk'' Do you hear me? This is no coincidence. Our nous descends [to the heart] (is enriched) by age. It takes years...Patience is needed Especially young people should know this thing. But, according to our desires, we'll find the appropriate Spiritual Father He may be a simple priest, who has no degrees or anything

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