

Monday, September 23, 2024



he tells me he was a practical man, that is, you went to see him, you told him you know, I have problems with my husband, he didn't tell you theories, he told you something practical to do, the old man's pastorate was full of practical recipes, let me give you an example of mine, I tell him I have a big one. He gets sad when such and such a thought comes to me. I told him something very, very basic about myself , which I tell him when it comes to me and I can't handle it. It makes me angry. My anger is easy for me. and I'm sketchy and I 'm the same he tells me I answered him but this one I tell him doesn't comfort me he says listen to me tell you what to do when these calculations and these desires come to you I tell him don't tell me I tell him what you told me above in kutloumusi lord jesus christ have mercy on me he tells me why this is a little too much for you i tell him what do you think i should do he tells me to say the name of the holy trinity most holy theotokos think of us he tells me whenever i say this prayer i feel such an energy of the holy trinity and of our Virgin Mary who immediately tells me the temptation is gone let's do it and if she tells me it won't catch come and hit me when a fool tells you like that all you have to do is put the words and recipes into action and I'll be back in athens the calculations calculations the desires desires begin and I pray the name of the holy trinity most holy theotokos think of us and I find that immediately the calculations are extinguished and the desires calm down it is an example to see how the asceticism of the old Paisios had a practical dimension for people maybe maybe I'm wrong about that for him and he is so dear to modern people who modern people have learned to live by recipes and are tired of the many theories lately with this prayer the great name of the holy trinity most holy theotokos think of us a very dear person and very close to me, a great temptation came to him in his family, a very great temptation and I had him and I am concerned about him, his wife is wronging him and he is separated and I was concerned about him not to fall into a malaise like this today or the disease and depression is the easiest thing for each of us, I saw him happy, says the Lord, have mercy, Abba, and he is in good health and he is so happy, I say to him, my saint, your problem was growing up in your house, you live far away from your wife who your children are apart and you have so much joy he says to me you know I'm doing what you're doing in the car he tells him yes where do I get in the car he says I listen to you sometime sometime so suddenly you say the name of the holy trinity most holy theotokos think of us and I do it too, he tells me and I feel great joy, and he says too, who are the saints, the saints are the ones who correct the latent diseases, she is convalescing without major wounds, who did I learn these things, the man of God told me, I did not teach them first times I say this publicly but this man who is very close to me heard me and when the difficult time came for him and he wanted something to keep him from being crushed by the languor of sadness you kept

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