

Thursday, April 18, 2024

These are the true Christians


I, Maryam Arsh, forgive Salah. I thank God

I'm not upset, I'm serious, I mean, I knew

I became a Christian, why is my husband, not a martyr? My husband did not die

An accident. I thank God and may God protect my daughter and protect me

And I thank God because this has been me for an hour

What I took was that he was telling me about God telling me about

Miracles tell me everything, so I tried

From him and his love, relief is really difficult and will remain difficult

Even lighter, but I'm not upset, it's us

We are proud of our Christianity in the first place

Every Christian who is proud of his Christianity is the master

Christ was crucified, flogged, tortured, and suffered the bitterness of the world

Because we will not be fooled

A drop of the blood that came out of him, of course not necessary

We deserve to bear this responsibility

Our responsibility is that we, as Christians, respond with faith

Strong, we will deliver with strong faith, and you saw that we would die accused

He will kill her, this is not death at all, this is not death

The martyrdom of this man

They spent 15 days single, 15 days without money

With water like this, the smell of our Lord, as if our Lord gave you faith

To contribute, but God contributes to me

This time, they want to stand like lions like this

God wants me to be sad and never shaken

Destroyed by the martyr, I am worthy, and may God not leave him alone

Someone, as Christians, we are okay, we are not sad

No sadness because they are sitting in between and wearing yellow

It's okay, no, of course. We are proud. This is me

I will go out and go here and go to Hanada. I am bitter

I deserve it, I wasn't

don't deserve the martyr [ __ ] Bishr Nassif. I say, oh my goodness


Your daughter, when she grows up, will honor you, Ezzat

And you will say that my father is a martyr, and I will raise my head

And every time I go to a place, I will say, “I am a martyr.”

Ezzat will return to Christ

They will come, they will cry for me

This is all the sin they committed and it will come back

And I forgive him, I don't have anything inside me to thank

Our Lord and our Lord, not

Hess Marat taught the martyr and loved his children

Your security was strong, and Hanin was

And Amin, I mean, he didn't know anything except what was wrong

The wall and it was

He knows what this prayer means, and he did not encourage me to do so

We used to go and tell him that we prayed and mentioned him in me

Your prayers, my intercessor

Great, may God forgive them. May God forgive them and enlighten them

Look at them, O Lord, and prepare for them the way

The righteous

Yes advised me to say that he reminded us before the throne

Christ in the presence of glory is in the most beautiful place he has chosen

Our Lord

Why do we thank our God who is our God and brought it to me?

In it, our Lord touches their hearts and guides them while they deprive us

Indeed, but God will provide

With God's help, God willing, neither I nor I will curse you

don't want him to be the happiest person in an hour

Martyrdom was my sight, joy, and excuse

And the sky was open, his heart was light and he was not worried

Nothing ever happens and he laughs the most

He smiles

Among them, while we were talking about him, he didn't break his cross or not

Nothing or nothing at all, and thank God for someone

That's why God is there, we don't care, how much do I have to do?


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Guardian of the Holy Sepulcher, Monk Theodoulos, talks about the Holy Light

Morfou Neofytos

May your years be blessed as well, to be years enlighten your years be blessed by the Holy Spirit. looks like we've entered the Dark Ages,, there is this in our history when the light joins the darkness now the darkest hour is the hour before dawn, and as many of you water your gardens at night, you know that the darkest hour is just before the light breaks. This is what due to all these events that give birth to live for, not our refugees which is extended year after year, and reached half a century, they also spawn our own development, the people we talk to who see what the disinformation media doesn't see, that our politicians do not see the people in power, of any authority, the people who see tell us that about Cyprus, and I have to tell you morphites= from morfou= place in Cyprus. because you have been hurt by people for many years you and your children live in a waiting problem to find these 2, along with the expectation of freedom we should have in our hearts, even so, many years passed, as a holy woman did to me with her fingers when I went to see her, Gerontisa galactia of Crete that she is dead now, SHE HAS DONE MANY MIRACLES MY DESPOT SHE SAID TO ME, SHOWING ME WITH HER TWO FINGERS, THIS IS HOW CYPRUS WILL BE AGAIN=and showed me her fingers together. as they parted it, so shall God bring them together again, without war, there will be a great war elsewhere but not in Cyprus, we must pray for the others, because they are humans too. and in Ukraine and elsewhere, more importantly, the USA many scary things are awaiting her, worse than the rest, let us pray, my god, give me patience and faith in the saints, we will need it because it is not only the war events, the lack of food and fuel will be here in Cyprus, so everyone do we are living in the second and a half year of the declared world war their own thing, don't say for so many years our despot prophets didn't tell us these things. simply they are not telling us that. and it's not necessary to come to our land, we re-burned many times, and we may have not war events but in the end, the reunification of the entire island, because the Russians will screw things up with the Turks, what they did to Ukraine they will do 10 times worse to turkey. that's why it's not magic that these things will happen I am your bishop and I must tell you these, whoever wants to come to me it's not only to keep our refrigerators full if we do not learn to pity those who have not, the secret is to learn how to share your food your money and soul. our comfort our love especially to the weak and the last one you want to see if you are on god's path=neither from the great crosses nor from the fasts-to examine your heart, I easily forgive those who overpowered you and wronged you? if you forgive easily and quickly then you are equal on the holy road the second day has a third day to see how much patience you have in tribulations when one is patient and forgives then one is equal in the way of Christ

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The prophecy

 Neophytos of Morphou

The prophecy

In such a setting, the prophecy follows: first, a major earthquake in Greece will cause

population movement. After this incident, the Turks will invade a small and then a bigger

Greek island exploiting the Aegean dispute over the 6-mile territorial sea limit. Here, St

Paisios is invoked, who ‘with his visionary mind’ interpreted nautically the ‘Six Miles’

prophetic saying of St Kosmas (Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, 2017). This attack

will last only 3 days and will happen either before or after the political or biological fall

of Turkish President Erdoğan. Then, the Bosporus Straits issue will lead Russia and

Turkey to war, bringing freedom to Cyprus, for the Turks will use all their military units

against Russia. At this point, a new great World War will occur that will cause huge

human losses. Russia will use nuclear weapons against Turkey and Israel. The United

States, which is characterized as the ‘new Babylon’, will also greatly suffer because of

its crimes: ‘“America will become meriki”,7 St elder Vasilios Kausokalivitis was saying’,

states Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou (2020d), creating a sense of mystery: ‘What

does this mean? I do not know (...) I do not have prophetic charisma. I am a prophetologist,

not a prophet’. Despite the World War, the Greeks are reassured that they will experience

80 Social Compass 70(1)

only food shortages if they truly repent. Finally, peace will prevail and Orthodoxy will

triumph all over the world.

The salvific plan of God

‘Why will all these happen?’, asks Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou (2017). This

is the well-known problem of theodicy, namely, why an all-powerful and

omnibenevolent God permits human suffering (see Weber, 1978: 519). The answer to

this question is crucial, for (if it is accepted) it can establish the plausibility of the

prophetic narrative and mobilize support for the allegedly salvific behavior. Overall,

the cause of disasters is attributed to acts that violate Orthodox ethics, for example,

abortions, blasphemy, and homosexuality (see Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou,

2017). God intervenes to bring sinful humanity back to the correct path of life. The

suffering is thus portrayed as a golden opportunity for salvation. The Syrian war is

framed as a ‘contemporary pedagogy’ that God applies in the context of his plan for

humanity (Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, 2020d). Likewise, God will permit

the Third World War as a ‘deep surgery (...) in order to remove all this sinfulness’

(Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, 2021b). This will be a moment of divine

judgment and punishment for crimes committed by all nations: ‘whole humanity

groans under our sins (...) the satanic energy has been concentrated and now each

nation (...) will pay, my brother, the bill’ (Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou,

2020d). The economic metaphor underscores the unavoidable character of the

consequences, while the medical vocabulary reinforces both the gravity of the

situation and the urgent need for immediate divine intervention:

‘God has now a great plan, the development of which has started from Syria. He will carry out

a huge surgery to humanity. The surgery is necessary; a man who is full of tumors, cancers, and

his blood is poisoned must go through a detoxification process, and then he must even have

surgery. In order for the health of humanity to be restored, these bitter events must be fulfilled.

(Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, 2020d)’

The Greek Orthodox nation is believed to play a special role in the realization of

God’s plan. Therefore, the apocalyptic consequences of the new World War will not

completely shatter this nation, ‘because Christ will not leave Orthodoxy and Hellenism

to be lost’ (Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, 2021b). For their own part, people need

to repent, and fear is a useful means to this end: ‘[My] prophetic discourse (...) aims at

repentance (...) Yet before repentance, panic and fear come first’ (Metropolitan Neophytos

of Morphou, 2020a). Although God’s redemptive plan refers to the whole world, it

nevertheless has as its epicenter the geographical area of God’s beloved nation, namely,

Greece and Cyprus.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Ακολουθεί η Πτώση του Έρτογάν τι είπε ο Μητροπολίτης Μόρφου

Some people are trying to scare us: Erdogan and his company. A man of God told me, all these scary things that are happening Both in Thrace and in the Aegean pushing others there there in Skopje and here in Cyprus, with our gas and others deliberately done elsewhere, All these terrible things have one purpose: to scare all of us and our political leaders. The The first sign Is Erdogan's fall, he is Arrogant and will fall. But how we do not know .= what kind of fall will be. Our biggest allies are our saints and Erdogan's arrogance in this century. Then others after Erdogan will take the leadership in Turkey who don't have the dream of the Ottoman Empire., So keep this in mind, he is gone terrible things start Cyprus will have big protection they will destroy the so-called friendship with the Russians And will invade in the Aegean Sea taking 2.3 small islands, for some period of time. Then will disappear from the map in the war with Russia, because they will close the straits of Bosporus in case of a war, Turks will close the straits of Bosporus, THAT IS WHY RUSSIANS WILL DESTROY TURKEY

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Morphou Neophytos Saint Paisios said that Christ will put an end to the ...

This text is a text known from the books published by the elder Paisios of the Mountain. Athos, reasons B- spiritual awakening, a sacred subject sanctuary, Agios Ioannis strait Thessaloniki, on 188 pages, -Hear, then ask a nun Loving father Paisios, the elder of these difficult years Will Jesus intervene? The same question John asked was asked before 1994 his death. That is, before thirty years. And then they saw that the years were difficult. Can you imagine what they experienced in our time? the man says I repeated Will Jesus intervene in these difficult years? and I was listening to Paisius, who had the vision. He could be a prophet-prophet = he also could interpret = this difficult here you see a wronged person who is in a good mood because he is right Many times the Virgin Mary came to divine aid How much more today, when the poor world is in such a difficult situation, that Christ saves it, Now a storm is listening; now a storm...little Antichrist is the possession of Satan. After all the nations are shaken, there will be a great slap from Christ and May there be peace in the world for many years. This time Jesus will allow us to be saved his creature. Will Christ leave us alone in the human predicament? Hands of Antichrist = THEY WILL RETURN TO CHRIST AND THERE WILL BE SPIRITUAL PEACE FOR YEARS. Listen there's what we've been waiting for, there's for our generation, before thirty I repeat, a breeze of peace will blow Throughout the universe, for many years to come, yet = will shake – shock – all nations all nations. And now you see that the problems are not local, they do not affect you local = global problems. Beware of this, some conflate this with the second coming Oh my god. I can't say that... look how cautious the saint was... my calculation tells me this won't happen There will be the second coming of Jesus this will come like the judge=Jesus intervention because Many events have not yet happened Since place = doomsday facts, it is now Antichrist and Hz. second entity = some people fill the internet false prophecies = what they write is a misinterpretation. Christ will intervene and slap this whole system, crush it all Turn evil into good. and some final details = everyone will want to know about Christ. That's why, dear lady, there's the internet to preach Preaching the good news to the whole universe is the beginning of what we still have to do...and then Christ will come as a judge to judge the world. another crisis and another intervention of Jesus To help the world, we will operate in the many ways Jesus can intervene, now be patient, be patient don't rush to seal with vaccines=who has so much distrust

Saint Porfyrios i see a Man in the future talking the lead of orthodoxy

Προφητείες του Γέροντα Βασίλειου του Καυσοκαλυβίτη

Father Paisios told me

Tuesday, March 12, 2024



1928-has completed the monastery in 1930

it was inhabited, in 1930- by 30 nuns, of


was catechized, The monastery of Saint Anthimos
but Saint Anthimos met a Turk-commander before

the Germans=who was so good that he fixed
the churches that were damaged were built new helped,

widows and orphans he was helping the poor,
was protecting them Turkish soldiers would

let not injustice to none and the holy Anthimos
thought is this man possible because he was

a Turk if he went to hell with so much kindness
he fasted for a week and questioned Christ,

where did he go to hell?

Saint had a vision
Nice place an orchard large, borders trees-Paradise

in the middle of a cone when Saint Anthimos

the Turks hear a voice welcome my Anthimos

come in and see where I am, says the Turk.

father Anthimos says to him, YOU ARE IN PARADISE?


The paradise

you go the Christians I can't go.

Here is paradise, but a different paradise,

a paradise for good people there exists a paradise
except for the one paradise?

yes my dear Anthimos

there are many existing paradises for good

why not baptisms?

ok, I was afraid of my head,

but I am ok here I have a good time.

okay i
have it on my head, but I am ok here I have

a good time.

says Saint Anthimos, there are
other paradises?

yes my dear Anthimos God

cared for all people, God took care of all

of other denominations

The paradise that is God is only for the orthodox

Morfou Neofytos


We Orthodox Christians are not just admirers of prophets and prophecies. Should we manage things? Nor are we afraid of all that is being finalized lest we too catch a bullet. We may not catch a bullet or catch an earthquake, yes we may get a famine. That is, we will have some results as well. So it needs management, internal management. Not to fill our refrigerators, when they will be empty... There is something beautiful in the Second Letter to the Corinthians of the Apostle Paul that says: "outward struggle, inward fears." There are battles outside, and there are fears inside me. People, it is natural, but the other Apostle John the Theologian _ says: "The complete attitude of love casts out fear". So the problem for us is unconditional love _ Complete love does not come with emotions and a love story. Perfect love is for its repentance? perfect love is Christ, the only one who has defined himself that I am Love. Therefore from everywhere her process and her repentance, as they taught me and tried to live somewhat unacceptable learning I would say, but also the study of the facts and that of the past and the present and the future, I consider as a conclusion my fathers and brothers that we the Orthodox, and especially the Orthodox in her Cyprus and her Greece, have protection, we will have protection in them the Events from her Virgin Mary for one reason: because I will say that we are called when the war ended they had already started in the rest of the world I will realize and crush those who live, yes we preach Orthodoxy. Therefore, taking care of yourself is good and safe in the orthodox mind. It is very important. Tomorrow... the Turkish Cypriots will ask. Tell me about her Virgin Mary. Tell me how to REPENT. Tell me how to pray Therefore a little experience we must have of her prayer and repentance and of her Virgin Mary. I say Turkish Cypriot, philologist welcome Hellenist, he says, bishop the next time I come to bring the once IMAGE OF Meirem, the Virgin Mary. He says, ah not WHAT I was told, you bring and apply a Gospel. Like, what? did he apply the Gospel? I know applied mathematics but applied Gospel I have never heard before. I say, when a Christian takes gospel belief and application seriously, what is that man called _ _, Oh I say, you mean, Saint?. , life a Saint you bring... Is a life wanted, Saint? the icon was enough he only wanted one life. And if I took him a life of St. Arsenius of Cappadocia where the man lived in Turkey, to hurry him, and if I also took one of the books about this St. Paisius, and if I say read only that. and we talked again. Therefore, we must live in repentance and slowly take it seriously. Let's keep three things. Our Orthodox faith is unadulterated because I will use it I also ask God _ and many other religions, and other nations, so we must have something to give Second, we have edited repentance, and another time with pleasure to talk about it edited repentance.


 while he was having his eyes closed, an Angel appeared and shook him, and the Angel told him Anthimos follow me the angel said, it was his soul and disappeared, a half-hour passed,

and the bell rang, time for food, and it was winter, and everybody has gathered, and they were waiting for us, one old sister said to the elder loudly, Elder it's time for us to eat, the elder wasn't there, she speaks out loud again, she goes close to him pushes him, no answer and all the sisters said after leaving him to sleep if he needs to sleep, he couldn't wake up 2,3 times other sisters come to try to wake him up but nothing we said to them silence ... he is sleeping, he can not wake up? after one hour passed he came alone, without the angel, he got into his body, and he said Glory to God thank you Virgin Mary for saving them, 2 other sisters asked the elder, whom did they save elder? the elder replays saying that it's not your business to know. time pass one month? we heard someone crying someone had come to the monastery, a captain, kneeling at the elder's feet saying to the elder, thank you, elder, thank you saved us, No my dear the virgin Mary was, No elder it was you I saw you, he was the spiritual child of the elder, one other nun goes there and asks the captain, please tell us what's going on. And he started saying to us, we went to India, and on our coming back, we caught a siphon and I saw with binoculars that it was coming towards us, very fast, and he said to the rest of his crew, we are lost, and each one of us started praying, the captain says that he had the picture of his spiritual father, and immediately bend on my knees lifting the pic up and praying for seeking help from, holy father please save us, and immediately without delay, I saw the old man=father Anthimos above me smiling at me, saying to me don't be afraid my son, and he takes with his hand carrying the ship to kilometers away from the storm. and placing it on a rocky islet. when the danger passes how will we manage to go back into the sea? when everything calmed down we all said that we must gather some money for the monastery to show our appreciation, and I asked the elder what the monastery needed because the captain insisted the elder said ok bring us a machine so we can take out the water from the well, shaft=to water our trees

Friday, March 8, 2024

That’s why I say the Orthodox [faithful]

 Thus, no matter how many stars fall, our Christ, my dear, is He who holds history in His hands.