You know the answer too. That's why you will answer it. Here you go, I will listen to you. Another question what is it? is there communication between the dead and the living? the dead watching the lives of their loved ones? there can be restoration in the relationship of 2 people after the death of one? this question has 3 parts, A-OK. You know the answer too. That's why you will answer it. Here you go, I will listen to you.
the answer is straightforward- the first one is it? the contact of the living and the dead, let's take the gospel, those who asked the question probably don't have a passage, the gospel says, the question is fundamental, they didn't read the gospel they have, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus- who converses with Abraham, this is not a sample that that we have that's the question no dead? yes, but 2 dead people are talking- a dead man does not speak to a living one? who says to warn others not to come/? here we see in the parable as it says very clearly 2 dead people talking, Abraham the holy the righteous with the rich sinner and convict, and they talk even though there is a huge gap, say in the parable, there is a gap between you and us, -gap mega supported, so that neither of us may come to you nor you come to us, to us to pass, this, of course, was done in the old testament, today things changed with the descent of our Christ into Hades, because god was also going to hell, but the so-called mega gap remains, and the gap because they are from hell -they cannot cross -those who are in paradise can cross over, and if god allows it, the contact of the living and the sleeping is with the memorials? in the divine liturgy where the commemoration of the names takes place? isn't the memorial for the repose of the sleeping a contact? According to the divine liturgy unites present and future life, the terrestrial and the heavenly currently heavenly =let's follow the questions that were raised and not the ones we want to give an answer to. because the question is whether there is communication between the dead or not, no it's only those that god will allow it to happen. and there is communication with the dead through the liturgy, of the sacraments of thanksgiving where they are commemorated living and sleeping, the second does the dead watch the lives of their loved ones?
another question which is the second part, is as long as god allows them- and the sleepers who have the holy spirit in them- they understand it and intervene -this is how the saints intervene, the saints are not omniscient but the holy spirit which they have within them,
allows them to know whatever concerns them, for the saints are hastening, and the Virgin herself

Saturday, May 4, 2024
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Cyprus and Greece will be safe countries
Very close to this threat, HELLENISM will be very afraid and will come in great repentance. Listen to the consequence of fear, it will be positive and the regret from the Turks threatening ... events ... I will say briefly ,,, Cyprus and Greece = being the only countries with great security - for our children and our world - when other western European countries - America, Middle East ... they will be In war world. Greece and Cyprus will not have = be safe places to stay and come to our country to save themselves, You know that some of his regimes can not tolerate and demonstrate and leaving Turkey, go to other places to stay in the Greek islands - buy houses buy or rent in Greece, despite Greece's problems as they feel that this is a place of safety, Saints, have said: these people will love Greece AND ORTHODOXY and they will choose it, when all calm down and everything about the war in Turkey. = From major disasters in Turkey, according to the arrogance of the leaders and some locals, Then this would be missionaries in Turkey, so we're talking about really inconceivable. Now after these events not because they love us the Russians made a
terrible war with Turkey for some days for their own reasons, The Russians, you understand that Putin has his own reasons, he guarantees their land =the Caucasus = countries around the Caucasus inin Georgia there is role-playing that will cost her so dearly. Russia will attack Turkey and Georgia with Turkey will be dragged in because there are NATO bases in Georgia's territory. Observatory of Russian rockets. Other major European countries will allow Russia to Turkey to attack. But I think this is something they agreed on before. Turkey, not because they attack the Aegean, will be attacked ruthlessly for their own interests. The treaty regarding the passage of Russian ships called Montre, not only from the Bosphorus. Turkey knows very well that if allowed to fight off tensions. This means that Russia cannot provide armor to the Tartus base. Turkey will then have to pull forces from other countries such as Cyprus. That would be free from the Turkish Cypriot forces without war. We Cypriots now have a responsibility to deal with this future situation. There will be a period when 2 out of 5 people walking on the streets in Cyprus will be Cypriots. People will start looking for donkeys not to see the tourists, but because they run out of gas due to the war.
terrible war with Turkey for some days for their own reasons, The Russians, you understand that Putin has his own reasons, he guarantees their land =the Caucasus = countries around the Caucasus inin Georgia there is role-playing that will cost her so dearly. Russia will attack Turkey and Georgia with Turkey will be dragged in because there are NATO bases in Georgia's territory. Observatory of Russian rockets. Other major European countries will allow Russia to Turkey to attack. But I think this is something they agreed on before. Turkey, not because they attack the Aegean, will be attacked ruthlessly for their own interests. The treaty regarding the passage of Russian ships called Montre, not only from the Bosphorus. Turkey knows very well that if allowed to fight off tensions. This means that Russia cannot provide armor to the Tartus base. Turkey will then have to pull forces from other countries such as Cyprus. That would be free from the Turkish Cypriot forces without war. We Cypriots now have a responsibility to deal with this future situation. There will be a period when 2 out of 5 people walking on the streets in Cyprus will be Cypriots. People will start looking for donkeys not to see the tourists, but because they run out of gas due to the war.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
μὲ τὸν Μητροπολίτη Μόρφου 2024
ME, the time has come, for the big fire, our
repentance is so little, According to the
holy fathers and mothers, The last big father
Ephraim NOW, DEAR FRIENDS, it's time for the
big fire.
Our repentance is little.
According to holy fathers and mothers, the
last big Ephraim of Arizona,=who introduced
America to Satan's playground, the great saint
of this century, the old woman Galactia.
Both agreed that a war must happen, St. John,
the Russians said it of our St. James, A war
must happen, this world doesn't clean otherwise,
so don't wait for the change of events done
with our windy repentance, to understand how
windy our repentance is
Do you remember when we used to talk about
today I got a phone call from a loyal military
man, with a big position in the army, Now
he is retired and we are in the events that
have started
he wanted to hear a word from me, I told him
my General the people I am talking with are
not going to hear from me again no more prophecy,
I don't care even the archangels, Gabriel
and Michael say to me I will not say it.,
why he says to me?
because of what I have said so far a few people
believe it.,
and those who believe them the less helped
to their repentance., so what's the reason
I said...the prophecy is told not to find
out what will happen after the war, Persia=Iran,
and ISRAEL, existence a curiosity now to learn
like the serial,
the next episode, what will have?
some believe that all these will happen for
Constantinople" may god bless us, Constantinople
is not the center of the world but is Jerusalem.
and the center of our being is the upper Jerusalem.
to hear it when we sing it tomorrow, the heavenly
divine function the eternal life, god did
not resurrect to give us an earthly paradise,
Constantinople and a free Cyprus that will
happen too.
or the nice Jerusalem of the Orthodox, and
not the Zionists.
God resurrected us from the grave and gave
us eternal life,
if we cannot feel that why do we go to church
for Easter now everyone waits for us to hear
the next episodes
if you see on the internet everyone is ""Prophesizing".SO
"I will talk about Lazarus, my mother, and
my grandmother.
Watch my mouth."
don't worry much understand?
so this is our situation and what we do "Practically,"
what we always do not mention prophecies.,
I have closed my tell, if someone asks about
prophecy I kindly close it not even with the
next epidemics should this happen = In these
coming years we will see the results of the
vaccinations, deaths, and "Disabilities" radioactivity
and not dust from Libya.
not even in Cyprus have we seen yellow dust,
constantly the human body in danger more into
the antidote read the Psalter use some of
your sleep start saying the prayer of Jesus,
addicts tell me we'll do it?
especially young people and there is going
to run out of Meds.
pharmacies will be empty what will happen
to the young people?
we must learn to live the life of our "Grandfathers"
This artificial life will spot for some time,
I am not saying that we will return to a Stone
Age civilization but it shows that in some
time we will be tested by Jesus Christ in
this way so get ready from now, we are children
of one god and those who didn't have the chance
to meet Jesus those who will be judged by their
for example, he will say to me you were angry
to go for a while to hell you made some good
speeches recording them and people get benefit
from them but you never loved me, you loved
YOUR idol, you had pride didn't have any humility.
so go for a while in hell hoping that the
prayers of your priests you had a good priest
slowly will get you to the light the Muslim
goes and tells him you didn't have the chance
to meet me me=with the conscience you have
you were allowed to do 5 abortions but you
didn't do it you had the chance to steal you
didn't do it.
preference to
live on the money you make from
your work, says to him go to paradise-then
the atheist tells him your atheism is an
attempt to get to know but you finally
did not find an orthodox to inspire you, to
enthuse you as Saint Porphyrios said, so go
to a place to cleanse you until my second
coming because you have goodwill i will
bring you slowly to
the light-this is
a hypothetical-but here is
a real scenario, so my son our god is god
for all of us from us orthodox it has increased
to become holy not just good people, now how
we will you judge us?
is the work of god-let us take care to know
the things of our faith-MANY PEOPLE ASK ME
Monday, April 29, 2024
Monk Gennadios at the end of the 19th century,
Monk Gennadios at the end of the 19th century,
He taught that the end of the world is coming,
the Second Coming of the Lord: First the Lord
will grant that there will be a world war
because the world does not repent.
This war will also be the last because the
destruction will be total.
"One small state will be the cause of world
Perhaps that state will be Cyprus.
When Noah's flood came, the people were drowned
in the waters.
Now they will drown in blood.
In Constantinople, there will be a great slaughter,
and the sea will turn red with the blood of
slain men.
A heifer (calf) will float in blood, as St.
Cosmas the Aetolian says in the prophecies.
This indicates the great slaughter, bloodshed,
and destruction that is to take place.
The sky will be filled with planes and they
will shoot fire (bombs) at people.
The people will be frightened and cry out
"My Holy Mother...My Holy Mother..."!
Let them shout, let them shout as much as
they want.
No one will help them.
Why have they not repented for so long?
Constantinople will be retaken by the Greeks,
but there will be a great slaughter.
We Greeks will suffer great destruction from
our sins.
Before the war begins, a great Cross of Christ
will be seen in the sky above Constantinople.
The Turks will attack us, and cross the Evros
River, causing all kinds of destruction.
They will reach as far as Examilia.
The interpretation of the six miles is not
correct, for which St. Paisios of Mount Athos
clarifies that it is six miles from the
continental shelf, which we want to extend
to 12, and for which we will fight with the
The prophecy is in the spirit of local tradition
which predicted a future Muslim invasion of
We will occupy the City and Asia Minor.
Then we will fight back, we will be helped
by other people, (probably the Russians or
the French).
We will then pursue the Turks, and we will
take over Istanbul and Asia Minor, which were
once Greek lands.
The Turks will suffer great devastation and
will be chased to the Red Apple (somewhere
in Mecca, the capital of Arabia).
From the war, one-third of the Turkish population
will be killed, and another third will be driven
to the Red Apple, and the remaining third
will be baptized and become Christians.
Those who will be baptized will be Christian
That is, those who come from Greece who did
not manage to come to Greece after Asia
Minor catastrophe in 1922 and remained alive
in Turkey.
There remain many crypto-Christians there
today, but the time will come when they will
be revealed.
After the above events the Great Ones, Russia
- America, will be divided over who will take
Constantinople, because of its strategic position,
and it will be dangerous to have another war
between them.
So that they do not come into such a warlike
conflict and that neither one nor the other
takes it, it will also be of God to give it
to the Greeks, to whom it belonged.
The Turks will be defeated and destroyed for
The Greek State will suffer great destruction.
Our people (the Greeks) will fight among themselves
and a civil war will probably be created.
And here in Crete, the Turks will come.
They say that Crete is theirs, ancestral.
The Turks will unbarricade from the southern
part of Crete, from Preveliotika (Preveli
Monastery), and from Maridaki, from the village
of Chondros, near Kalou Limenes Heraklion.
The Turks will make a passage and from the
places they pass they will make a general
massacre and destruction.
In the Province of Meramvello, Lassithi, there
will be great carnage and destruction.
The moaning and crying of the people will
be heard from Vouvala, a mountain in Melambes
At the end of this adventure, the Turks will
be defeated and destroyed for good.
They will retreat disorderly and be pursued
even by women with roses, that is to say,
with insignificant means.
Of course, there will be a Greek Army in Crete,
but it will not be perceived at what point
the Turks will unbarricade themselves.
At that point, a fog will have fallen, by
God's concession, precisely so that they can
land undisturbed and punish us for our sins.
The Turks are ready, they are sharpening their
Crete will sink not from bombs, but from our
Here the prophecy is carried over to the highly
eschatological time just before the rise to
power of the Antichrist, when we know from
other Fathers that many other places, such
as the coasts of Smyrna and Cyprus, will be
It is therefore necessary to distinguish between
what Gennadius said and what the author interprets,
who, however, writes his opinion in brackets.
For the details (massacres, etc.) of this
prophecy, there is no cross-revelation from
another prophecy, so that what is said can
be regarded as indisputable.
It is certain, however, that the old man himself
was gifted with prophesying and healing
gift, as well as the gift of being transported
lightning fast, with his body, to different
parts of the world.
In fact, one such appearance on the beach
of Georgioupolis where he begged schoolgirls
not to enter a dinghy for a leisure ride,
the dinghy's subsequent dive, the drowning
of 21 schoolgirls, and his equally paradoxical
disappearance was reported in local newspapers
in Crete, describing it as a mystery.
Nothing will be left of it, except a tiny
part as a reminder that this was once Crete.
Millions of money are being spent by foreigners
to drive the Greeks away from their Orthodox
faith and history.
But if they abandon their faith, it will bring
their destruction.
What the Cypriots suffered in 1974 from the
Turks, who occupied half of Cyprus, we Greeks
will suffer the same if we do not return to
The Turks are ready, they are sharpening their
knives, but the time is not yet right, God
does not yet allow it.
God endures.
He is waiting for our repentance."
Sunday, April 28, 2024
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