As do most occultists, Albert Pike had a "spirit guide," who dispensed "Divine Wisdom" and enlightened on how to achieve the New World Order. A "spirit guide" is a "being" who meets someone who has given themselves over to the practice of the occult; However, people who are professionals in the New Age Religion do not see this as a bad thing. In fact, they would strongly argue that it is filled with happiness and joy by interacting with "spirit guides" them.

Friday, August 19, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Not everything that Praise's Creator has not the Spirit of the Creator-2-I do believe all this Charismatic nonsense and the Pentecostal Word of Faith Movement is rooted in Mysticism.3- I would recommend all Pentecostals or those of Charismatic persuasion that have filtered into other denominations, to hear them out. Stop trusting your heart, (your feelings, emotions, etc.,) for "the heart is deceitful above all things.-4The problem I see in Pentecostalism is the Continuationist belief, and borne out of that is what we find today - all this wacky nonsense that is so far outside the Biblical parameters, because they are based on one's own thoughts, feelings, emotions, ecstatic utterances and experiences, all of which must be tested against the Word of God, and most of which fails the test. If we don't "test all things," how do we know if it's actually from God?.5-.You are not going to be saved until you humble yourself.You need to pray everyday..6-Most humans want to keep on sinning,doing evil.Love at all costs,forgive everyone that has hurt you.Humble yourself so God can use you.7-The catholic church has always been a tool of Satan to deceive people as we can see it even nowadays.8-At 5 centuries gone by Luther until now, the Orthodox Church was vindicated. Protestantism splintered into thousands of different, and often opposite (doctrinal) between the groups. Yet each group insists that escapes from the doctrine of the Holy Scripture, and that it accepts only what the Bible says, nothing less, and nothing more.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
People do not reject the Bible because it supposedly contradicts itself but because it contradicts their lives.
You can not touch the heart of your fellow man with nothing, but only with your own kardia.Parainesi fathers saints for progress to perfection
Said the Abbot Gregory the Theologian: "God from every person who is baptized these three requests: From the soul good faith, the language of truth and the body prudence" .The heart clears with tears and sighs. A sigh of soul pain equivalent to two buckets of tears.
Elder Paisius. ATIA = The initial impression of those who received their existence was, as they said, and the supposed aliens themselves, there are intelligent civilizations on other planets that have advanced in technology much more of us on earth and send spaceships to explore the universe . But slowly the attitude of several researchers of these phenomena started to change and shifts to the metaphysical realm. Today more and more talk about the "parapsychiki nature" of alien and many researchers admit that the aliens are spiritual rather than physical, ontotites.Ti say about these extraterrestrial beings ... It is clear that it is demons, such we find in descriptions magicians and pagan religions? the first step to annihilation a nation is to delete the memory. Destroy his books, its culture, its history. After you put someone to write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new story. You will not need much time to begin this nation forget p ... DIC is and what was. The world around him will forget more quickly, "Albert Pike =
"The Third World War must be eroded by taking advantage of the differences caused by the" Agentur "of the" Illuminati "between the Zionist politicians and leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arab World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) to alllokatastrafoun. ... "the jews possess nearly all of the media sources and control all of the politicians which places every American squarely under the yoke of world judaism. Thru financial control? the jews have used the USA to hijack the world monetary system, perpetrate the holocaust lies, steal Palestine, perform 55 million abortions .The illuminati is an organization inside the freemasons they are both evil but the difference is the illuminati is stronger than the freemasons because they control the freemasons
You can not touch the heart of your fellow man with nothing, but only with your own kardia.Parainesi fathers saints for progress to perfection
Said the Abbot Gregory the Theologian: "God from every person who is baptized these three requests: From the soul good faith, the language of truth and the body prudence" .The heart clears with tears and sighs. A sigh of soul pain equivalent to two buckets of tears.
Elder Paisius. ATIA = The initial impression of those who received their existence was, as they said, and the supposed aliens themselves, there are intelligent civilizations on other planets that have advanced in technology much more of us on earth and send spaceships to explore the universe . But slowly the attitude of several researchers of these phenomena started to change and shifts to the metaphysical realm. Today more and more talk about the "parapsychiki nature" of alien and many researchers admit that the aliens are spiritual rather than physical, ontotites.Ti say about these extraterrestrial beings ... It is clear that it is demons, such we find in descriptions magicians and pagan religions? the first step to annihilation a nation is to delete the memory. Destroy his books, its culture, its history. After you put someone to write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new story. You will not need much time to begin this nation forget p ... DIC is and what was. The world around him will forget more quickly, "Albert Pike =
"The Third World War must be eroded by taking advantage of the differences caused by the" Agentur "of the" Illuminati "between the Zionist politicians and leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arab World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) to alllokatastrafoun. ... "the jews possess nearly all of the media sources and control all of the politicians which places every American squarely under the yoke of world judaism. Thru financial control? the jews have used the USA to hijack the world monetary system, perpetrate the holocaust lies, steal Palestine, perform 55 million abortions .The illuminati is an organization inside the freemasons they are both evil but the difference is the illuminati is stronger than the freemasons because they control the freemasons
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