this we must always keep in mind that you are a father,
you are a mother, you are a teacher, you are an officer, you are
a king, whoever you are, you must bear in mind that you have a duty to
warn the children you have entrusted to you, to warn them not to
fall into the trap of the enemy because the enemy always now we speak of the
antichrist he is coming he will do everything he says he will force everyone
he says great and small rich and poor slave and free he will
force them all he says to take his seal and present himself as the ruler
of the whole world, but he is the embodiment of hell,
that is, an entire hell will be inside the corpse which he will
present as a man and leave on the throne of God, he says and will proclaim
himself to be God and he will do
miracles supernatural lies fake lies but he will do miracles i.e.
he will bring down fire he says from the heavens he will he will raise the dead he will
move mountains he will love the poor he will justify
the wronged and so on and the whole world will go after him
unfortunately because she says they will receive the seal of the antichrist she says this
seal will fill them with wounds she will fill them with pains she says
similar the pains which will be the pains om the
scorpion sting because he has his children god will send two prophets prophets
to prepare them the antichrist has seven
years at his disposal because seven years is
a long time and if he continues without god intervening there will be no one left who does not
follow him he says and his chosen ones he will take also the chosen ones of
God d this will send two prophets to the enoch and
elijah who did not know death are in a place in a place where
there was no death the these two prophets the good god will take
half the years of the antichrist and will leave it half that is he will take 3.5
years the prophet elias and the prophet will preach while they will preach the word of
god they will preach the word of god and they will perform great miracles and anyone who
attacks them they say they have the power to kill him
so that there will be no one to oppose them
in these 3.5 years he will have brought repentance to the world and
be careful not to fall into the clutches of the antichrist
in 3.5 years in the city square
he says the antichrist will attack and take the two
prophets and tyrannize them into martyrdom and they will die and
the antichrist will die for them, that is, they will remain
buried for three days and three nights and all the world will see them
world all the world that is on the planet earth will see these
two prophets that he proclaimed that I admired like a vision that amorous if but he will
see them he will see them both dead and dead so those who
believed in those who believed in that these are holy people they
do miracles the real ones they tell us the word of god they
preach to us they warn us they
advise us when they see them the dead will be told
by holy people, how did the righteous die this question, why
should he
die, but when the three days and three nights have passed,
three days, then say the all-good God will
resurrect them and they will be resurrected from the eyes of the world and
will go to the kingdom of God but now this matter
that those who preferred them who followed them saw them dead will
turn back and lie were they to die too
because you see that man often repents because he repented
so when the antichrist comes now and prevails for 3.5 years then
woe and three woes to those who followed him
they will go to the rocks and the stones and say let the stones fall
cover them melt them and no
one will listen they will ask for death and there will be no death they will go
to the dead to they say to be resurrected to be alive and you will not
listen to them they will ask for such because the sufferings that they will suffer in those 3.5 years
he says the prophets and the teachers of our church say that he says it will
be so terrible so terrible he says that in heaven he says will give them
a special crown those who stay close to Christ those who stay close to Christ will
get a special crown it says why there will be fire in the years of the antichrist so
my dear children let's be careful to be
ready because if we are not ready and if we didn't hear we heard now at this
moment these words that I tell you are not mine watch this
thing is your responsibility now from now on you have a responsibility we are interested in
one thing either secretly or openly not to fall into
his trap that is if he comes at this moment and forces you to get an
identity card which identity card has a microchip inside which microchip connects to
the satellite and can you die to you
get sick make you an accident whatever is with the satellites is
directing you wherever you go and be precise except he sees you now the cards
which he is just now preparing to give are these cards of the
revelation of the revelation says hor their motto
he is from America all the way here with Kiton and the others who made
them there presidents and he who is now he signed the abortions
the abortions of the whole world so that the pregnant woman does not exist to be
etc. from America comes the whole motto in all
his states world and what does he say he says what he told us and ours
here the sucker who holds the
pacifier what did they say in America in America they said that this the president we will
give says identity without which you will neither sell nor buy
it came to us said this our I will give you them this is what it says and without
it you will neither sell nor buy but where does it write this it says
revelation you will get it says the seal and without it it says you will neither sell
nor buy these are things that you must do the world wants enlightenment
my children it wants enlighten the world bro what responsibility do we have I told you
before we who speak the words of god and the world listens
sits and listens and drinks these words drinks like water that
cools it so is the world that asks to listen listen listen
wants help c that's what we have to do all of us where we are parents we are
teachers we are professors we are doctors we are
officers in the army anything everyone should be enlightened what about
telling the truth
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