

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


I will tell you what I am experiencing and what they are experiencing and you will experience it people from

with the picture of the old man the pictures of the old man about it I said

picture before in a monastery like good time now

we were talking I forgot to take the pictures from

home when I got there they diagnosed that

I had taken the old lady's tpa I say old lady I'm sorry I don't have pictures she

says it's okay Mrs. Athena don't be sad I'll send a little sister

she says give them to your house and I'll distribute them next Sunday

but after the after speaking, a gentleman comes with four children and

says to me, Madam Athena, you don't have a single one, my children have nightmares at night,

they don't sleep and I must have been looking for one by one pictures of the old man

to put it to be his prisoner in their room, I searched, I searched I looked and didn't find it

in my bag I do this in my pocket it comes out and the lining comes out and I didn't

have anything I tell him I don't have it do you see it and you that I don't have it he says yes

I see it Mrs. Athenian it came out he tells me the lining of your pocket this is not

by chance, it made some sense for the person to believe that I hadn't reached the elevator

because the mansion was high, there was an elevator for us to go down,

the whole world was waiting for them to leave now I reach the old lady, I say it to her hand, I tell her

how sorry I am that I didn't have I'll give you a photo, a picture, yes, yes,

he tells me, oh, Mr. Athena, you don't even have three, I wanted three, I automatically say,

Grandpa, the old lady wants three, I put my hand in my pocket, three parties, old lady,

old lady, says the gentleman, he didn't have a single one in his pocket, that is can

you give me as many as you want I'm happy I tell him four

four what are my children I put my hand on the zephy four four two t

four take it that is you have it for me and for my wife I was

zero I was zero I wasn't capable to figure out numerically how many

they asked me, he told me about me and my wife and I didn't know the number I wanted,

I told them a number, I didn't understand how to make the opposite number and

he told me two two four four five five everyone got the same as you,

good time here they all got it and at the end he was a lawyer

and he even made an impression on

me .

the old man's car

wants one of each so my escort says to me Mr. Athena I also wanted

how many of these do you want my child I want three he says three three take I turn around

I go home I thanked the old man and kissed his picture he burned

the candle I told him what was that very nice I say lesson to us you did not show

your presence because he told me that he appears and these are reasons to

diagnose him he really appears I say thank you very much

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