
Thursday, November 9, 2017
The question to be decided
An important issue of the Old Testament is Angels are spiritual beings, and therefore are not reproductive compatible with human women. Supporters of the Angel-Hybrid position possess the following: The angels recorded in the two cases in the Bible, such as eating food, therefore have some ability to interact with the material world. Angels may sometimes be indistinguishable from human beings, and "some have hosted angels The Sodom's and Gommorah's sexual immorality is described as" similarly "compared to the angels' actions that" left their proper habitation "and that Jesus has chained in the dark until the Judgment We really do not know what angels can and can not do, as they do not have the capacity to capture and study them, and Scripture says few things about them. the position of the Angels can not explain the production of the giant descendants from the union of the faithful and the unfaithful, the unanimous position ... and the writers before him Philonas of Alexandria is that the angels came down and gave birth to the children with the women. The angels are spiritual beings, and therefore not reproductive compatible with human women.
opens the Pandora's box
there are no super-Christians
δεν υπάρχουν υπερ-Χριστιανοί που μιλούν σε γλώσσες, αλλά αυτό είναι το διακεκριμένο δόγμα του Πενταδιάστατου. Και μετά από λίγο έλαβα την αίσθηση ότι το Άγιο Πνεύμα εμφανίζεται στις εκκλησίες αυτές - όχι στο Άγιο Πνεύμα της Γραφής - ως η Μεγάλη Εγκυκλοπαίδεια του Αμαρτήματος. Δεν ένιωσα τίποτα σε αυτές τις εκκλησίες για να είμαι ειλικρινής. Οι Πεντηκοστιανοί φαίνεται να έχουν εντελώς διαφορετική αίσθηση στο Άγιο Πνεύμα. Το πρόβλημα που βλέπω στην Πεντηκοστή είναι η επίμονη πίστη και γι 'αυτό είναι αυτό που είμαστε σήμερα - όλες αυτές οι άσχημες ανοησίες που είναι τόσο μακριά από τις βιβλικές παραμέτρους επειδή βασίζονται στις ιδέες, τα συναισθήματα, τις εκστατικές ομιλίες και τις εμπειρίες όλων, πρέπει να εξεταστούν εναντίον του Λόγου του Θεού και τα περισσότερα από αυτά αποτυγχάνουν στη δοκιμασία. Αν δεν «δοκιμάζουμε όλα», πώς ξέρουμε αν είναι πραγματικά από τον Θεό; Αυτό το δογματικό σημάδι της ομιλίας σε γλώσσες ανοίγει το κουτί της Πανδώρας όπου δεν υπάρχει τίποτα. Κανένας από αυτούς δεν πιστεύει στη Βίβλο ... ή όπως ονομάστηκε από τον Martin Luther, Sola Scriptura, ένα από τα ίδια τα θεμέλια της Προτεσάντης
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Αγαπητοί φίλοι,
Αγαπητοί φίλοι, δεν πιστεύετε σε κάθε πνεύμα, αλλά δοκιμάστε τα πνεύματα για να δείτε αν είναι από το Θεό, επειδή πολλοί ψευδοπροφήτες έχουν βγει στον κόσμο. Έτσι μπορείτε να αναγνωρίσετε το Πνεύμα του Θεού: Κάθε πνεύμα που αναγνωρίζει ότι ο Ιησούς Χριστός έχει έρθει στη σάρκα είναι από το Θεό, αλλά κάθε πνεύμα που δεν αναγνωρίζει τον Ιησού, αυτό το πνεύμα δεν είναι από τον Θεό. Αυτό είναι το πνεύμα του αντιχρίστου, το οποίο έχετε ακούσει έρχεται και ακόμα και τώρα είναι ήδη στον κόσμο "
Monday, October 9, 2017
False prophets and deceivers
Read the canonical biblical books and don't stray from them because there are 2000 years of confirmation of truth but that's in the Orthodox Church. The Protestant church (which comes from the word "protest") eliminated 10 books because they didn't like what they said.
The Septuagint books are all canon because the Jews created the Septuagint in Greek. At that time, the Jews didn't even understand Hebrew because Alexander the Great conquered the world and the Jews all spoke Greek for so long that they didn't know Hebrew. When Christianity came around, the Greeks used the Septuagint to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. The Jews didn't like it so they considered the Septuagint inferior and came out with the Masoretic texts, but the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Septuagint was more accurate than their Masoretic texts which were written 1200 years after the Septuagint. The pseudepigrapha were all in separate scrolls, so just because they were found in the same location, it doesn't mean that they're part of "official scripture."
The Christian Bible, New Testament, has similar books to the Book of Judas… which was written 200 years after the Resurrection. They are all called apocrypha but there are two types of apocrypha: the kind that are false and fiction that are not included in the Orthodox Bible. Then there are protestant apocrypha which were eliminated because Protestants didn't like what they said and confirmed orthodoxy, even though they were canon for 1500 years. 2 Maccabees 12:43-45 actually talks about praying for the Dead because the dead cannot pray for themselves. By praying for the dead, you lift them up which is why in the Orthodox Church we have memorials so we can pray to God to forgive the Sin of the reposed so that they may enter the kingdom of heaven
The Septuagint books are all canon because the Jews created the Septuagint in Greek. At that time, the Jews didn't even understand Hebrew because Alexander the Great conquered the world and the Jews all spoke Greek for so long that they didn't know Hebrew. When Christianity came around, the Greeks used the Septuagint to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. The Jews didn't like it so they considered the Septuagint inferior and came out with the Masoretic texts, but the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Septuagint was more accurate than their Masoretic texts which were written 1200 years after the Septuagint. The pseudepigrapha were all in separate scrolls, so just because they were found in the same location, it doesn't mean that they're part of "official scripture."
The Christian Bible, New Testament, has similar books to the Book of Judas… which was written 200 years after the Resurrection. They are all called apocrypha but there are two types of apocrypha: the kind that are false and fiction that are not included in the Orthodox Bible. Then there are protestant apocrypha which were eliminated because Protestants didn't like what they said and confirmed orthodoxy, even though they were canon for 1500 years. 2 Maccabees 12:43-45 actually talks about praying for the Dead because the dead cannot pray for themselves. By praying for the dead, you lift them up which is why in the Orthodox Church we have memorials so we can pray to God to forgive the Sin of the reposed so that they may enter the kingdom of heaven
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
The Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called “Church Fathers” is filled with references to this mysterious book. The early second century “Epistle of Barnabus” makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century “Church Fathers” like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin, and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch “Holy Scripture”. The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. This and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. And being under the ban of the authorities, afterward, it gradually passed out of circulation.
This explains the origins of demons, UFOs, fallen angels, & other mysteries, which is the reason for it been banned by previous generations. Having said that, this book was not meant for previous generations, but for our generation of today.
This explains the origins of demons, UFOs, fallen angels, & other mysteries, which is the reason for it been banned by previous generations. Having said that, this book was not meant for previous generations, but for our generation of today.
ORTHODOX TRUTH Do not make the mistake We are living at the end of time, the devil has built a huge group of prophets on earth to speak in the name of Christ, to confuse us, and to lead us away from the Orthodox Church. And take us away from the weapons that ORTHODOX can offer you. The Holy Spirit will not work outside the Orthodox Church. You can say what you want, but the day you die and stand before the throne of our Lord, then you will know the Truth and it will be too late. READ ORTHODOX BOOKS, seek the truth and it will reveal to you
Saturday, September 2, 2017
The doctrine of reincarnation
The doctrine of reincarnation in all different forms, contradicts the teaching of Scripture concerning the nature and purpose of man. This false religion has objective evidence in favor of and based on fantasy. However, it turns out attracts both promise a kind of immortality of the soul (in primitive and pagan form) and, on the other hand, deny God's judgment and punishment of hell. It frees the sinner from fear and responsibility for inappropriate actions. The logical conclusion of teaching is that even if the person committed many sins in this life the next reincarnation may improve its position. After an endless cycle of reincarnations, each person will eventually reach the same end, like everything else, mixing with the ultimate. The only difference is in the number of cycles.
Furthermore, the teachings of reincarnation provide explanations for any passions or even offenses a person can have. For example, if a pedophile feels attraction to another person, it is probably because she was a woman in one of his previous lives. If a woman is unfaithful to her husband, it may be that her lover was married in a previous life, and so on.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Ή αιρετικές διδασκαλίες
Or heretical teachings & that may not meet the basic moral standards of Christian teaching and practice. "Editor Bob L. Ross (one of the leading editors of the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon) defines 'cult' as 'falsification of the true Faith of the Bible'. The smallest definition of the word cult is 'organized heresy'. It is interesting
To note that American "cults" began in the 1800s (Mormonism - 1830, Christadelphianism - 1848, Seventh-day Adventism - 1861, Jehovah's Witnesses - 1879, Christian Science - 1879,? What happened to suddenly cause all these sects on the face of the earth? The answer is Campbellism which began in 1823. Campbellism (also known as Restorationism) is the theological "mother" that gives birth to all these groups.
The religious movement called "Carbelianism" (Restorationism) and followed by groups known as the "Church of Christ", "Christian Church" and "Disciples of Christ" began mainly through the influence of two immigrants from Ireland. Thomas Campbell, the father, and Alexander Campbell (referred to by followers as "Spiritual Spirit"), the son, rebelled against Presbyterianism and eventually created the Campbellite movement after coming to America in the early 1800s. To make a long long story short, these two "Restorers of the Ancient Gospel" (as they were called by their followers) were joined by two other "Restorers" named Walter Scott and Barton W. Stone, who discovered that the gospel message in the Bible They had lost and now they were going to restore it (Walter Scott claimed to have restored the gospel when he baptized the Baptist named William Amend on November 18, 1827). Using a Campbellite interpretation of baptismal verses found throughout the Bible (Acts 2:38 etc.), the "Restoration" of the lost gospel was water baptism "for the remission of sins." That is, water baptism (plus other endings) was necessary for salvation. Therefore, the Campbellite "Restorative Plan of Salvation" meant that a follower had to do the following to be saved: hear + believe + repent + confess + water baptize by immersion + local gathering + Lord's Supper + giving on the first day + Song + prayer + kindness + bible study + no religion + name + scripture + second law of grace + obedience to elders + good morals + non-Christians in other denominations + scriptural marriage (if married) + no indwelling of the believer by the Holy Spirit, Only in the Word + believe that all evangelists preach as the Word of God. From this Campbellite religion came its influence in the birth of other American cults such as Mormonism (Sidney Rigdon, for example, a close associate of the "Restorationists" left the Campbellite organization and joined Joseph Smith, Mormonism). The links between Campbellism and the various cults go on and on.
To note that American "cults" began in the 1800s (Mormonism - 1830, Christadelphianism - 1848, Seventh-day Adventism - 1861, Jehovah's Witnesses - 1879, Christian Science - 1879,? What happened to suddenly cause all these sects on the face of the earth? The answer is Campbellism which began in 1823. Campbellism (also known as Restorationism) is the theological "mother" that gives birth to all these groups.
The religious movement called "Carbelianism" (Restorationism) and followed by groups known as the "Church of Christ", "Christian Church" and "Disciples of Christ" began mainly through the influence of two immigrants from Ireland. Thomas Campbell, the father, and Alexander Campbell (referred to by followers as "Spiritual Spirit"), the son, rebelled against Presbyterianism and eventually created the Campbellite movement after coming to America in the early 1800s. To make a long long story short, these two "Restorers of the Ancient Gospel" (as they were called by their followers) were joined by two other "Restorers" named Walter Scott and Barton W. Stone, who discovered that the gospel message in the Bible They had lost and now they were going to restore it (Walter Scott claimed to have restored the gospel when he baptized the Baptist named William Amend on November 18, 1827). Using a Campbellite interpretation of baptismal verses found throughout the Bible (Acts 2:38 etc.), the "Restoration" of the lost gospel was water baptism "for the remission of sins." That is, water baptism (plus other endings) was necessary for salvation. Therefore, the Campbellite "Restorative Plan of Salvation" meant that a follower had to do the following to be saved: hear + believe + repent + confess + water baptize by immersion + local gathering + Lord's Supper + giving on the first day + Song + prayer + kindness + bible study + no religion + name + scripture + second law of grace + obedience to elders + good morals + non-Christians in other denominations + scriptural marriage (if married) + no indwelling of the believer by the Holy Spirit, Only in the Word + believe that all evangelists preach as the Word of God. From this Campbellite religion came its influence in the birth of other American cults such as Mormonism (Sidney Rigdon, for example, a close associate of the "Restorationists" left the Campbellite organization and joined Joseph Smith, Mormonism). The links between Campbellism and the various cults go on and on.
St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians
To justify the use of the languages, refer above all to St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians (CHS 12-14). But the Apostle Paul wrote this passage precisely because "tongues" had become a source of disorder in the Corinthian Church; And even when it does not prohibit them, which permanently minimizes their significance. This quote, instead of encouraging some modern revival of "languages", should instead discourage, especially when it is discovered (as Pentecosts themselves admit) that there are other sources speaking in languages other than the Holy Spirit! As Orthodox Christians we already know that tongues as a true gift of the Holy Spirit can not appear among those outside the Church of Christ
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