1928 he founded his monastery in
1930 it was inhabited in 1930 30 nuns on
his 30 nose the monastery of the saint
asi the saint thymos was inhabited but he knew one before the Germans who were the Turks
he was a commander Turkish element who was so good the
churches half of the broken ones are as strong as new ones and help
hand the lantern, they were the target, he protected them, he did not allow Turkish
soldiers to do injustice to anyone, and because they showed so much kindness, the
holy Athymos, does
he think it is possible that this man, because he was a Turk, went to the vision,
from the garos where
you are, he made a home for a week, say, children, that the
god who drank it as much as it is
an apparition, that he entered into a beautiful
paradise the dust was
paradise trees beautiful an orchard big
in the middle a throne and as soon as he approached the trot the
Turk called me welcome to my sport welcome sport come come say and
see where I am he says we are in paradise with paradise
it's his way but you go to paradise we can't
go only the orthodox p here is paradise, but another
paradise, a paradise for good people, not for good
people, there are also parsi except the
one, let me tell you, we have many
paradises, there is paradise for us, the good people
who are not Christians, that is, the Baptists, one is baptized,
let's go down and say, why am
I a Muslim who is not
baptized ? help, my lord, but I am happy, I am
not in heaven, I am not in the vision, the saint
is innocent, there are other paradises, God has calmed me for all
times, for everything, and there are
paradises according to the goodness of each person,
but heaven is my heaven, the third
heaven that exists, the god only the
orthodox, nor the Christians of other confessions,
they also have heaven, but the good people
but the heaven which is the god the Christ is only for the orthodox
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