
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
How I became Orthodox
Все остальные так называемые «христианские церкви» сильно изменили христианство.
Католицизм меняется и адаптируется к догматам ежедневно (это метафора, но вы поняли идею).
Православие остается ясным и неизменным со времен семи Вселенских Соборов на заре христианства.
Католики отделились от нас, а после них протестанты отделились от католиков и отошли от истинной сути христианства, затем появились англикане, пятидесятники, баптисты и т. д. Эти «церкви» продолжают умножаться. Католицизм является источником всех сегодняшних ересей.
Существует поговорка:
**«В истории было три великих падения:**
1) Падение Адама.
2) Падение первого Папы в 1054 году! Тогда начались все тысячи так называемых христианских церквей, потому что католицизм потерял апостольскую преемственность. Они преданы анафеме, потому что изменили веру».
Но Истина только одна, и она находится в единственной Церкви, основанной 12 апостолами —
**Православной Церкви.**
**Православие = Истинная вера**
**Ortho** = Правильный, неизменный
**Dox** = Догмат, вера
Православие — это единственная истинная религия!
Различные группы, представляющие собой так называемые «христианские церкви», слишком сильно исказили христианство. Католицизм изменил и приспособил свою доктрину (вы поняли идею). Православие же остается чистым и неизменным со времен семи Вселенских Соборов на заре христианства.
Католики ушли от нас, а после них протестанты отделились и удалились еще дальше от истинной сущности христианства. Затем появились англикане, пятидесятники, баптисты и другие. Сейчас существуют сотни, а может быть, и тысячи ответвлений, претендующих на звание «христианских церквей». Католицизм является началом всех современных ересей.
**Православный христианин принадлежит Телу Христову, Церкви Христовой.**
Эта Восточная Православная Церковь является органически той же самой Церковью, которая родилась в день Пятидесятницы, когда Святой Дух сошел в Иерусалиме. Она является прямым продолжением Апостольской Церкви, сохраняя преемственность через рукоположение священников в каждое следующее поколение.
Православный христианин признает богатое христианское наследие и исповедует свою принадлежность к этой Церкви, которая является подлинной Церковью апостолов, подобно тому, как взрослый человек остается тем же человеком, которым он был в детстве, только с возрастом обретает больше зрелости.
Православный христианин крещен во имя Святой Троицы и следует идеалам и убеждениям Священного Писания и Святого Предания. Он верит в Живого и Любящего Бога, Чья Благодать защищает и направляет его на пути спасения.
Он верит, что Бог открыл Себя в Священном Писании через пророков и особенно через Личность Иисуса Христа, Единородного Сына, Спасителя человечества. Он искренне верит в воплощение Христа как Богочеловека, в Его Распятие и Воскресение, в Евангелие и Его Заповеди, а также в будущий мир.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Πατήρ Ελπίδιο - Προφητείες
what will happen what will happen what will happen there will be such events that allthat you see the rotten butler like Elijah will be torn down like in the time of Elijah in the time of Elijah my child you know what happened only Elijah was here the one who he truly believed and their leaders and their ecclesiastics everything had changed they had gone with the idols do you know what command he gave Elijah to do when that miracle happened above he was now forced to admit that one is the true god and not the idols god ordered helias to kill 400 priests for him have you read this you know that no i didn't know i didn't know he beheaded 300 priests do you have the feeling that what he once said Paisios the century Paisios and I've heard it, of course I haven't read it, I don't know what's going on I've been told he said that he sharpens says Elias to the magician and he will catch from above, he will start with archbishops, he will go down to priests, monks, etc. because why did they all become disrespectful to everyone as the patro cosmas says the patro cosmas what did he say in the last years say the impious three will all be priests but why here we must understand that he does not mean he does not mean the sin that all men do we are sinners it means disrespect and disrespect is that it insults the true god we must ask ourselves high priests and priests and priests and monks and what are we all right before God do we have love and worship in God or should we restore and re-read the lives of these saints of saints of girls I read my Katerina my marina peace the Christ's hope and I say God I wish I had less of this faith, love, that was love, my child, by God, we have a love so watery, you are so ugly, and you only think about it, you disgust me, love is what they have, Christ, go away, if you think we have love, it is we don't have my child love for that that's why I'm afraid of them now that they're coming and a part of what's coming has been revealed to me what will happen believe me with many sometimes I get very sad, I cry and say, my God, all these things will happen in my days, I will see all these things, he told me that no, you will not see them all, but you will see a part of the five great plagues that will come to the your country once I was in Africa in a place over there very difficult and I said oh my god will I see this in my country and at night I went to sleep with these thoughts and I really sad and like a rabbit I slept now I don't know how it is you know sometimes dreams are not strange and I heard a very sweet voice very sweet voice but so sweet that not even my father I don't know if there is a person who loves you so much and if he speaks to you so sweetly and so tenderly and tells you, my child, five for the infidelity of your country that became a standing Christian state, I will allow five great wounds let them come, they will take their houses, my child, they will not have food, they will not have water there, I was scared because I know it is the water because in Africa I know what it is, they will not have electricity or oil and five wounds and after a while he added two more plagues I will allow, he says, to spread throughout the world the Muslims so that you will understand what faith you have until true and you do not accept it. you keep slandering you have become disrespectful to the other I will let them see that they live under the fear it will and will be plagued all over Europe I will let all of Islamism promote and the last and I say the last what is this my god I will allow my child to come he says the war is in the yard of your house I don't know what he means but this and then I saw other little things what they will do to people in the future I was terrified but I was afraid when I saw that people will do something to the children and at that moment the god will be so angry that he does not allow it will not allow it and it will bring a great disaster great disaster so great that I am afraid to say that Greece will be half I'm afraid to say this, Greece, my child, half of Greece will remain because of our infidelity, if we repent, everything will change, he says, but they will regret, child it's hard for me it's hard and he says I want you to love me he says and tell all your spiritual children no to please me to me as they are if they are in love my little girls feel hope my love my faith my Barbara my Katerina and these are your brothers in heaven love them because heaven and earth are one and pray now my child make a big prayer chain tell all your children and all over the world because what they will fail people will not endure people will not endure father hopes you were what can I say today that is really trouble us my child don't watch these vaccines what they do you will see what will happen next we don't forget them these people I'm sorry I don't have any more time father hope I'm very sad h me forgive me for saying y sa cura with x no no don't say that this is your blessing I want you to give us God bless you all and please God my child please God enlighten you please God enlighten you the days are beginning and I say this they are beginning because on the day that I was born the resurrection took place and we were given orders etc. let's do it earlier I was very sad and I went to a small hill and I was walking over there I was looking down at the sea and I said oh my god what is this and like I was taken away, I caught myself crying and I say, how can I be an orthodox priest, should I listen now to anyone who does not believe in Christ, follow me, our leaders ask us to follow them and they do not follow Christ, they ask us to love and respect them They don't respect God when they respect the holy scriptures and he says in me you will honor me as you should in the resurrection, I went and performed the resurrection as he wanted, let them prosecute me, let them put me in prison, let them do what they want and after the day, my child, she who worked for me at the time I was working, at some point I was removed, I was removed so when I was afraid, I opened, then what will I was saying what he was saying, the spirit of God was saying in it, the saints were looking in front of me and as if a sweet voice was saying to me until the pentecost until the holy spirit i will allow you to live in peace this feast only for my own children who believed in me and truly loved me to give them my holy spirit but all those who did not worship me properly and did not ask for my holy spirit to appeal to my many children, make a way for them to have patience and I will appoint many spiritual ones who are happy no longer to help but to collect wreckage of their souls and I said to Solomon the spiritual children ask for the day of the holy spirit ask God to give you the holy spirit to flood our heart and fill it with divine love my child because without divine love how will we endure all that comes only a lover endures torture only a lover like a mother who is in love with her baby does everything for to save her baby the same when Christ sacrificed himself as a mother to save us and now we as children as babies must only look to our mother we will only look to our god to look because he is our mother and our father but he specifically told me child everyone tells me this, call me deluded, I know deluded, I am a lover, he is always deluded, you know, he is not asking us for simple love, love, God is asking us after the saint of the spirit my child everything will begin after the holy spirit and before the coming of the feast of the feast of my queen of the virgin everything will begin now my child I do not know these things your blessing father we will meet again I sincerely want to thank you really nana sa well done bless me and bless the whole world and light it up my child let it light up the world so they understand what they are going to do
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