
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Friday, December 13, 2024
nothing can change, I think, so listen now to whatour church says and what they say and the events recently told me that I had gone to a cemetery to make a trisajio for Jana and Comin and he tells me to make a trisajio for such and such a woman because she was rich she says she had many houses but she was mentally burdened her life was not fair and she saw her she says her daughter after a long time living in one no rather she saw her another friend of hers saw her to be in a little house let's say Timor p somewhere in a downhill dark place and he says what are you doing over here you live here you had so many houses he says so much comfort you live over here he says tell my daughter to do some trisago now the woman she didn't know this whole situation it wasn't a simple dream nor did she have it in her mind like she told us to think about it sometimes we think about a person recently and we see him in our sleep nothing and it surprised her she says this is because she hears these things being said at that moment and she tells them to her daughter and says please tell, she tells the priest to mention my name, that is, my mother's name because this is who he is , so these people feel it what have they done but they can do nothing when the man the other who prays for those who are living who had the dispute had this bad relationship with the deceased he and with his forgiveness covers passes on to other side as long as we live in this life we can live and let us not be saints we can live on the other side and wish even for people in hell so there can be restoration in this dispute firstly because the dead already understood his mistake but he cannot correct it when you realize your mistake you are not positioned differently towards the one with whom you had the dispute and he who is alive has the possibility to change mentally with the help of his spiritual by think how dull life is, how temporary, how unimportant all this is, and pray especially to ask a priest to make a fortnight to give alms in the name of man, and certainly so through love, this is the love that surpasses even the death through love there is restoration yes yes here I want to ask a question to make sure because I used to hear from Father Vasileio Labi that when you write the names you can't you write 10050 names for the people to read them in the church it's a bit difficult in fact the issue is to write them down or will you put the names of their children and relatives yes that's the issue but you have more in your head for the time that you understood the world, some people helped you in various things, yes of the benefactors and you feel that they should be remembered and they in some things you cannot write so many names you get tired in church, not to be tired humanly is impossible in one liturgy if all this is read it must be all personal and I say let's say under the benefactor or the honored benefactor let's say this is correct I am correct that is because the great kingdom in the divine liturgy also says and whether through wildness or forgetfulness or a multitude of names he did not remember each one's age and pretext remember him as a good and philanthropist or because of the multitude of names, you don't have time to read them, please, if Pope Demetrius the Gast used to say to me, "Bless the Saint," I read all the names in the entire text, how much time did it take, not the ones like Pope Nicolas the Planas, what should I read when reading the newspaper, I read these names, the illustrated one tells me imaged he said the conscience the image of the god we have the image he said imaged go do this go do that the imaged one reacts i.e. the god that was inside me so that's what the imaged one tells me I don't know I'm doing well it says Papa Vasili do me ask me now the saint this is to remember the names but to a point they are not enough and we are here to continue a little to get answer because this concerns me too much issue and no can i write a name let's say d yes we said it this is done this way a situation from parents from in fact we will get to where we are today the question now you want an answer the question is i am happy that i am writing in favor of benefactors and I know who they are so you know I know who my benefactors are god listens to me how does he not listen to you god listens to everyone we all don't listen to god i am sure c this thing this I say be absolutely sure this I wanted to that God neither forgets nor has a problem of understanding for us to reach here today until our age from small left from e years anyway all our life and we have many benefactors because we met good things we met benefits we met many things like this and I feel this because he did this to me this he rests to say answer yes I will tell you something beyond what we said which is true during the divine liturgy you will think one by one of these persons who benefited you and the time comes in the divine liturgy that the priest says and each one according to his intellect has and anyway it's over those who are in mind god remembers them i want some she was always smiling in her life, I imagined her, I saw her, I don't know, anyway, I saw her like I was speaking in her life, that's how, all this, now I don't know how and what, but a nice idea came to me, let's say that seeing this mother is in her the attitude he had even when he was still alive, and that makes me very happy, but we will continue our work, that's why everyone should leave this world with a good job, not a bad job, because only the good ones continue there jobs will continue over there yes say another one then when we are in the church and you read the memorial services because they used to say this despot goes to the memorial service and takes what he drinks well leave it despot sorry sorry I don't blame then I have the right but now because sometimes when in the mosas and at funerals you read the white what the despot was reading, let's say I have captured this with great pleasure because it is as if the let's say the marriage of the androgynous and the priest gives the wishes to the androgynous to live well, so if you are reading this wish, I have loved it so much and I say I wish I could read it to me too whoever it is then when you go to sleep you will read the topic is this wish is wrongly titled that the high priest reads it but after all you read it every spiritual person only you ok ok me I have also written in the magazine and no high priest has responded to tell me why you are doing it, it pleases me and they know that I do it and I have written it and the simplest answer is this since as a priest I can confess a high priest I cannot to read a forgiving wish in one and cominea pon yes now they hear it so much everyone who lives then will read it will tell the priests should read it, thank you very much, so be well, be well, in fact, it is like that in many things, and while if your father reads this book, maybe he will give you some free entry, let him give you a pass, here is Panagiotis, you had said before holiday on a Sunday that's how I understood it that as a man dies he forgets everything on earth that is his obligations the responsibilities he had been looking at so how will he settle let's say up you don't tell me when you passed the university you were thinking about the difficulties you had in first grade no so how will you think about these in that day everyone is sold his meditations the man stops talking and knows knows and sees thinking is transitive function thought creates and stoops what are stoops pretext prefaces thoughts and stoops and superimpositions and tumblings and such things so thinking is not a good thing and for this reason God has given us specific thoughts not to think whatever we want here I wanted to ask a little about what we said before about the man who is close a little about the man who leaves and has left pending and whether he can correct what he has done in relation to something pending with other people not pending from his jobs s no of these he cannot do them no no for example a person who has wronged someone here on earth and leaves and while he is convinced that he has not wronged can in fact, even more to consider what he has been wronged because somehow I have understood it, I don't know if he has understood it correctly or his vision has been distorted, he sees correctly and he can even be inside the church and consider that he is correct and the man who he has wronged that he was in the wrong and I have not understood when he leaves here objectively he will not see what is the truth and the mistake he has made or leaving d he will continue to see that is I have not understood how people see who are collaged in the end or who I don't know what happens anyway they stay with the vision they had here and the ability to see as they left here or God opens their eyes and everyone sees what they should have done let's say everyone sees what they have does but how he will react to what he sees is up to each person because the devil the olfactory does not see that while he had light now he has darkness that while he was in the archangelic orders now he burns when the he approaches he does not see that he is burning by himself god does not know that he is a creation of god god found him god did not find him when god was created god was present god cannot say that i gave birth god knows everything what matters is how you react what he knows if he bowed his head and said he was sorry for what he did last minute but it is not simple for him to say it because his fall holy resource it is not simple it was not done in one moment it was done with processes without confessing to god without going to every process such as to say to god now this came to me now I desire this now I want that by himself he thought of it by himself he laid down the plans by himself he sunk in the abyss so there will be people they will all understand what happened but since we are used to justifying ourselves and not acknowledging any mistakes when we die we will acknowledge our mistakes we will continue our character because our character will freeze where we die as the body freezes and the character will freeze where you are there and krini says god where I will find you there I will judge you, that is, there is no process of systematically working against God and as soon as you die you start to repent you may see that there the consequences are contrary to what you expected from what you thought you may have thought that eating pion tomorrow they die there is no life after death and there you see that life continues and you don't have the resources to live yes but also what will happen as God wills we are in God's hands from here on out neither can we say anything more nor anything less because and the tax is dead and has been judged not definitively but at least as we know from his side there can be no change because as death is ours which we will not be able to change after that we with our power with our will so and the tax with so much this consolidation took place and from then on what will our god do what will his love say what will he judge for all of us and we children must become in the soul like god only mercy to have for everyone for those who tortured us who forgave us for those who did everything to make life difficult for us we must leave this life with mercy in our souls because the judgments if there is mercy you don't do against mercy the judgment will be without mercy for those who did not feel and felt mercy from the moment our god accepted to spit on him to scourge him to crucify him none of us has excuse to keep something inside him against the one who harmed him because Christ forgave us and the cross and even wants them to be saved so this means to be like Christ not to be like Christ by throwing away the old covenant but to be like Christ by throwing away our malice here is to mention an incident that happened to a well-known person a wronged an orphan girl miserably had bitter end with the result that at some point this girl, let's say, said bad things against him, he appeared in her sleep and told her sternly, you tried me, and she was so shocked because they were also related, she was the daughter of his brother's father, that is, his niece or nephew, they died her parents and he took the property and took advantage of it and was so shocked that he started holding memorial services later yes why would he show up and tell you when he was bitter in the end he was hanged by the insurgents and despite that he appeared and tells her you tried me severely and he started to hold memorial services constantly and they actually communicate, I don't know how God allows, let's say some people to be and appear God allows to appear this person to convey this message is here because you said that the moment in which death finds us plays a big role and will predetermine what comes after that but this moment does not it erases and describes our whole life, yes, or at least the summary of our life, yes, so this wish that you say as a Christian, the end of our life painlessly, should be very important, yes, of course, that's why we always say it in every service and in divine liturgy par excellence of course it's great of course it's here sir use the sir you say that and we know it we read it that quiet leave and those of their cross they of the crucifixion forgive because they asked for forgiveness for so the lord forgave them no he forgave them a defining how human nature should work who wants to be god e our christ behaved that way we should all want to behave because in order to become gods by grace we must behave as Christ behaved on earth our Christ forgave them to define how human nature should work this forgiveness does not give to the people who committed these crimes to sympathize and change and sanctify the centurion the longing the centurion yes he is not a saint like the centurion he had a mission to do this crucifixion with his soldiers at that time but he said truly the son of god and he confessed that Christ is risen and he and two soldiers on behalf of all alone centurion 2% this is the church members took the silver they threw it away and when they testified they did not let them live the forgiveness for him was valid for this forgiveness so for this time and for these people only yes and I believe also of the holy protomartyr Stefanos who said do not set up this sin, it was for the holy apostle, yes, when they stoned him, where they don't stone boundaries so they can be more comfortable throwing stones, so I believe, angel, tell me about the communication between the living and the dead, and we talked about the memorial services that can be done in their favor, communication between the living, we'll talk about it another time, nice, nice, that's very It's difficult . It's easier to communicate with the dead than with the living. Of course, we talked about the memorial services that the living can do. Let's have a memorial service between us. yes we can do this too I know where to communicate better yes this is good yes but we talked about communication and it made me wonder if they too can advocate for us the saints of course the saints yes ok the others who are suffering what should they advocate they look how they will figure out how many people can be in heaven but this so they are saved of course the righteous a yes I understand the saints we know but yes ok no and there are saints that we do not know but another saint and else righteous or the righteous says as soon as he is saved imagine the righteous as soon as they are saved the sinner who appears as the righteous as soon as he is saved on the one hand we see the great mercy of God who forgives people and on the other we see how he mercilessly punishes everyone God shows us what babies we are how stupid we are with this one so let's quickly perceive this part of us and feel it so that we become wise in Christ, not babies in the praise of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy and save us, Sunday
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