

Monday, July 17, 2017

Ή αιρετικές διδασκαλίες

 Or heretical teachings & that may not meet the basic moral standards of Christian teaching and practice. "Editor Bob L. Ross (one of the leading editors of the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon) defines 'cult' as 'falsification of the true Faith of the Bible'. The smallest definition of the word cult is 'organized heresy'. It is interesting
To note that American "cults" began in the 1800s (Mormonism - 1830, Christadelphianism - 1848, Seventh-day Adventism - 1861, Jehovah's Witnesses - 1879, Christian Science - 1879,? What happened to suddenly cause all these sects on the face of the earth? The answer is Campbellism which began in 1823. Campbellism (also known as Restorationism) is the theological "mother" that gives birth to all these groups.
The religious movement called "Carbelianism" (Restorationism) and followed by groups known as the "Church of Christ", "Christian Church" and "Disciples of Christ" began mainly through the influence of two immigrants from Ireland. Thomas Campbell, the father, and Alexander Campbell (referred to by followers as "Spiritual Spirit"), the son, rebelled against Presbyterianism and eventually created the Campbellite movement after coming to America in the early 1800s. To make a long long story short, these two "Restorers of the Ancient Gospel" (as they were called by their followers) were joined by two other "Restorers" named Walter Scott and Barton W. Stone, who discovered that the gospel message in the Bible They had lost and now they were going to restore it (Walter Scott claimed to have restored the gospel when he baptized the Baptist named William Amend on November 18, 1827). Using a Campbellite interpretation of baptismal verses found throughout the Bible (Acts 2:38 etc.), the "Restoration" of the lost gospel was water baptism "for the remission of sins." That is, water baptism (plus other endings) was necessary for salvation. Therefore, the Campbellite "Restorative Plan of Salvation" meant that a follower had to do the following to be saved: hear + believe + repent + confess + water baptize by immersion + local gathering + Lord's Supper + giving on the first day + Song + prayer + kindness + bible study + no religion + name + scripture + second law of grace + obedience to elders + good morals + non-Christians in other denominations + scriptural marriage (if married) + no indwelling of the believer by the Holy Spirit, Only in the Word + believe that all evangelists preach as the Word of God. From this Campbellite religion came its influence in the birth of other American cults such as Mormonism (Sidney Rigdon, for example, a close associate of the "Restorationists" left the Campbellite organization and joined Joseph Smith, Mormonism). The links between Campbellism and the various cults go on and on.

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