


Friday, September 13, 2024

Father Elpidios

He instructed the people to repent; all of us in heaven, meaning your fathers, your mothers who are in heaven, see the truth now and we pray to God for you, who are our children on Earth. But tell them to repent, to repent, to change their lives. If they do not change, there will come such terrible evil that half of Greece will remain; half of Greece will remain—hunger, war, and disease will reap continuously, and people will face terrible dilemmas. So, you who love your father and your mother who are in heaven, I want you to know that they are suffering at this moment. They suffer not only for the difficulties we are going through—these difficulties have always existed, always are, and always will be—but they suffer for what is coming to our homeland, for what will come to our villages, for what will happen now. You will see, unfortunately, our Greece will be chopped up; I have been telling this for -8 years. They will chop it from the top, they will chop it from the bottom, they will chop it from the right, and they will chop it from the left. In a nutshell, they will butcher it. But why have these demons taken power and butcher our homeland? The foreigners will not butcher it; our own traitors will come and butcher it—our own people whom we think love the homeland. But who can love the homeland if they do not love their God? It’s a simple question. I do not say that they do this out of malice, but out of folly. Sometimes malice and folly have narrow boundaries; it is hard to distinguish them; they are like one color inside another.

I want to tell you that we will go through difficulties, so we need to pray for our homeland. Today I make an appeal to you: I appeal to you, I make an appeal to you, pray to God that these people who are now in heaven close to God pray for our homeland. I beseech you all today; I implore you: our homeland is entering a difficult phase. Soon you will have no priests; you will see that the crosses will be abolished, the vestments will be abolished, the prayers will be diminished; all will be cut short, and you will see what will happen. The Holy Mountain will suffer. And do not forget that Macedonia was not meant to be taken by some. There has been a plan for a long time to create the Aegean state, which would include Macedonia. We have known this for a long time. Now I see it happening in our days, and they want to take Macedonia from us for what reason? For the Holy Mountain, because it is the place of the Virgin Mary, the place of prayers. That is why it will happen; they will start. God will not allow many things to occur; a lot will happen, but in the end, fortunately, God will put His hand forth and everything will be overturned. But until it is overturned, you will see many things. Let us ask those from heaven to pray for the homeland. But you have not understood what is coming; you have not understood what will happen; you have not understood the evil that has already overshadowed our homeland.

I no longer have the courage to tell anyone anything. Please say for the first time: "Our Heavenly Father," say it, shout it once. Usually, we yell: "My God, my God!" We say this, not saying, "My God, my God, my God." Do you like to be called by your name? What is more beautiful than to be called "Dad" or "Mom" by your child? Thus, do you want your child to call you by your name or to hear the sweet words "Mom" and "Dad"? Since you want your child to call you "Mom" and "Dad," then you also speak to God from your heart. Finally, one time from your heart, “My God, from today, you will no longer just be my God; you will be my Father and my Mother because He gave us the soul.” We yell “Mother” and “Father” for the man and woman who gave us, who brought us into the world, and what gave us the body and the soul. Who gave it? God. So, we call to the God who gave us the soul, we call Him our Father.

That is why today for our prayer to be heard, you must shout from the depths of your hearts: “Our Heavenly Father, I want to be your son; I want to be your daughter. And I want you to be the Father of my soul. Help us; enlighten our minds, for many times we do not know what we are doing. Give us understanding to manage things correctly and speak to us with your Holy Spirit so that our lives may be such that they glorify you and do not make satan rejoice. If we do this and say this

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