Thursday, September 19, 2024
Cancer cells
I've said it a thousand times and I've said it again
man goes out to eat at night ok we eat at night a coffee and
a cup of tea and we fall at night and we're calm in our stomachs yes
so when we go out we eat to shit at night we can we can't sleep
we can't work hard at that moment there are cells in
our body in our stomach that do their job to
digest the food we eat but our mind our brain sends
other cells to help those cells work to f to digest the
food I ate those takkyra are called cancer cells ok
so when they finish their job I pull them and leave those
cancer cells
now there is the stress they stress
stressed sends us the cancer cells to find the stress to
fight it is stress stress is a concept that can't
find the cancer cells find the stress to kill it so
the cancer cells are forced to stay inside the abdomen make
their own nest is okay so if they can find the ear
to fight it, and then the pain starts we go to the
the doctor puts us in examines us he puts us in the X-ray he sees a shadow there
cancer a cancerous kits cancer how did cancer come about we
created it
so by changing the way we think by fighting our stress by
not stressing and not having stress all
day to limit our working hours
so we have to find a way to
fight and neutralize those cancerous
kits so that we don't have anything else in our life these are the cancerous
c we create them and we are responsible to
exterminate them if we can't exterminate them neither chemotherapy nor
anyone else and we go to the doctor it is you have months to live to metastasize
the lungs the subconscious hears them in three months, and it goes to
breathe them again
there is agree or disagree agree so this i
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