


Friday, July 12, 2024

 In the future Judgment, the condition of each person will be revealed in an instant, and each person on his own will proceed to where he belongs. Each person will recognize, as if on a television screen, his own wretchedness, as well as the spiritual condition of others. He will reflect himself upon the other, and he will bow his head, and proceed to the place where he belongs. For example, a daughter-in-law who sat comfortably with her legs crossed in front of her mother-in-law, who with a broken leg took care of the grandchild, will not be able to say, “My Christ, why are you putting my mother-in-law into Paradise without including me?” because that scene will come before her to condemn her. She will remember her mother-in-law who stood with her broken leg in order to take care of her grandchild and she will be too ashamed to go into Paradise — but there will be not place for her there, anyway. 

☦Saint Paisios

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O glorious martyr Euphemia, fair virgin of Christ, 

O godly-minded Paisios, the adornment of Athos, entreat Christ God to grant us His great mercy. 


During a miraculous visitation of the glorious 5th century martyr Euphemia (July 11), to Father Paisios (July 12), he said to her, “I would like you to tell me how you endured your martyrdom.” 


St Euphemia replied, “Father, if I knew back then how eternal life would be and the heavenly beauty the souls enjoy by being next to God, I honestly would have asked for my martyrdom to last forever, as it was absolutely nothing compared to the gifts of grace of God!” 


On Monday, July 11, 1994, on St Euphemia’s day, Father Paisios received Holy Communion for the last time, kneeling in front of his bed. On Tuesday, July 12, Elder Paisios humbly and peacefully rendered his soul to God, whom he served with his whole being since his early childhood.

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Rejoice, for thou didst make thyself a precious follower of the saints of Cappadocia! 

Rejoice, sweetest food, who fillest the souls that are starved of right teaching! 

Rejoice, Blessed Father Paisius, enlightener of the latter times! 


On July 12 we commemorate our Venerable and God-bearing Father Paisios of Mount Athos.

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☦🕯“Whenever we enter the church and draw near to the heavenly mysteries, we ought to approach with all humility and fear, both because of the presence of the angelic powers and out of the reverence due to the sacred oblation; for as the Angels are said to have stood by the Lord’s body when it lay in the tomb, so we must believe that they are present in the celebration of the Mysteries of His most sacred Body at the time of consecration.”🕯☦ 


♰ St.Bede the Venerable ♰

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It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of prayer life in the Orthodox Church service. Nowhere you can find the same feeling of Heaven on Earth. 


“Every word of Holy Writ, every word of the Divine liturgy, of the morning and evening services, every word of the Sacramental prayers and of the other prayers, has in itself the power corresponding to it and contained in it, like the sign of the honourable and life-giving cross. Such grace is present in every word of the Church, on account of the Personal Incarnate Word of God, Who is the Head of the Church, dwelling in the Church.” 

St. John of Kronstadt

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🌟☦🙏 Fresco of the holy Dormition; certain great saints above, and the glorious Apostles Luka and Mark on the sides.

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☦ The "Inexhaustible Chalice" icon of the Mother of God is known for help in overcoming of addictions.

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☦🕯“The Most Holy Mother of God prays for us ceaselessly. She is always visiting us. Whenever we turn to her in our heart, she is there. After the Lord, she is the greatest protection for mankind. How many churches there are in the world that are dedicated to the Most Holy Mother of God! How many healing springs where people are cured of their ailments have sprung up in places where the Most Holy Theotokos appeared and blessed those springs to heal both the sick and the healthy! She is constantly, by our side, and all too often we forget her.”🕯☦ 


♰ Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica ♰

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