


Thursday, July 18, 2024



in the apocalypse, St. John the theologian sees the war of the



army of evil taking place, where the voice of the people, evil



affects the souls but also the bodies like a motorized army



. to



tell us that people did not repent, that is,



humanity was given an extension of life, but few took advantage of it to save themselves, says



Father Athanasios Linos, all the specifications of the plague from a technical



point of view today are absolutely possible, even the number of soldiers, only



China can today allocate 200 million



troops, the area of ​​conflict is similarly very suspicious because it is today very much in



battle, does this wound warn of a world-wide conflict of an unusual



form and the amazing and the hope of the people or who



were killed in the wounds of those who



repented of of the works of these hands or not to worship demons and



idols gold and silver and copper and they did not repent of the murders



this nor of the medicines of these witches nor of the fornication this nor



of the thefts they did not repent even though it happens



, that is, such a horrible terrible world war will happen, with a miraculous



intervention of God, the wicked spirits are bound so that the earth will be at peace and


the gospel will spread unadulterated throughout the world, as described in the revelation



in the 10th chapter, and I saw another powerful angel coming down from the sky


clothed with clouds and the rainbow on his head and his face



like the sun and his feet like a pillar of fire and he has in his hand an



open book and he placed his right foot on the sea and his left on



on earth this powerful angel helps with greater power the unstable as



the unbelieving sea by symbolically using his right foot and with



less power which is indicated by the left one those who like the earth are



more stable in faith and the angel says John who I saw standing on

the sea ​​and upon the earth he raised his right hand to heaven and



swore by him who lives forever and ever who made the heaven



and all that is in it and the earth and all that is in it and the sea and

all that is in it that there is no more time, i.e. no



further extension is going to be given for repentance, we must say here that the powerful angel is



a godly one of the Lord Jesus Christ who as the son of God is holy and



powerful as we say in the trisagio hymn while his other names as the prophet says



Isaiah for his incarnation is of great counsel angel god mighty



prince of peace the son is the most trustworthy to swear to the father because



as we say in the symbol of faith through him all things were made t and space and



time and because not even the angels in heaven they do not know the day of the



second coming as the Lord declared and about that day and hour



no one sees not even the angels of the heavens half my father alone and they say to me



continues Saint John the holy angels it is understood that he was with the



mighty angel must again to prophesy to peoples and to nations and to many tongues and



kings therefore John the great theologian of the church



assumes in the peace period after the war the responsibility of doctrinally



unadulterated preaching of the word of God throughout the world because according to the word of the



Lord to Peter John remains on earth until his second coming



because there is not much time left until the end after the destructive war



John's sermon will be very short as indicated by the



booklet that is a very small book which symbolically contains it and his



it was given by the powerful angel so it will definitely be preached again and indeed



unadulterated by ecumenists and other fallacies in the gospel and this



is guaranteed by the theologian John who was called to his new mission with the words



he must again prophesy for our time before the world war says

saint paisius now a bora will be a small possession of the antichrist satan



will eat then a cuff from christ all the nations will be shaken and



peace will come to the world for many years this time christ will give a



chance to be saved his creature will leave the



creature of Christ will appear in the impasse of people to save them



from the hands of the antichrist then they will return to Christ and there will be a



spiritual peace throughout the world for many years some combine with



this intervention of Christ the second coming I do not I can say it,



my calculation says that it will not be the second coming of Christ when he comes



as judge but an intervention of Christ because there are so many events that have not



happened yet Christ will intervene he will give a slap to this whole



system he will crush all the bad and he will turn it into good eventually the



streets will be filled with pilgrims outside the buses will have icons they will believe all the



people will pull you to tell them about Christ this is how the



gospel will be preached to the whole world and then when this is completed the period



Christ will come as a judge to judge the world another judgment concludes the holy



elder another intervention of Christ to help his creature apocalypse



and Saint Paisios the saint agree that before the second coming



the gospel will be preached throughout the world this it is the peaceful period of the dawning of



orthodoxy, it is a gift of God to humanity even though it does not



deserve it because it prefers to live in sin, despising all his commandments, in



this respect, Saint Sophronius the Saint was not wrong when he said that we are living



in the last times the crisis can happen now

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