


Sunday, July 28, 2024

 another sufferer is a sufferer, he is a man, a priest

, a priest from Crete, I would like this message to reach

his ears that it would be better for him to hang his stone lip and not

dare to officiate again

because apart from that it became a scandal for the parish

it became a scandal for the orthodox Christian panels worldwide that dared

the sufferer and said that the holy light is lit with a lighter

sleep the man without his wool is

a deluded man because the holy light has been going out for 1600 years it has

a date no 600 years and so many confessions about

this holy light has so many proofs and evidences

proofs and it is so simple you see even today

again the light when people put it in their beards in their hands

in the first minutes it doesn't burn it doesn't burn to come out by itself candles

, there are Christians who hold the 33 candles there, yes, they light the candles,

they light me, I also remember an old monk who served

there at the Holy Sepulchre, Father Mitrophanes in his old age, they had him there

in Thessaloniki in the old people's home there in the Charisio and we used to go and see him

and the blessed one himself was telling us his experiences because he said I was also

the little believer wanted to verify it and he went up to the crypt

he has a crypt above and I went up he said I saw by myself alone how the holy

light came by itself while he was kneeling the patriarch there

praying and suddenly from the most holy tomb there was light and for 600 years

god did not give it anywhere else to prove

to show them worldwide that the only true

faith of Christ is the orthodox faith sometimes they went the anointed with

They so want to take her to bring out the holy light and they brought out the

orthodox the patriarch with his entourage into the courtyard and they entered with the

so I want he didn't give it to them what did he do but the holy light came out in the front and as

an indication to this day that he tore the pillar there and it looks like

a watermelon because Christ says if you don't confess to me you will admit to me the

stones don't say that and to this day, if someone sees the pillar you say they didn't

have a proper pillar and they put it in a torn pillar to

remind us and to remind all these antichrists

that the orthodox have the right faith they have it and in fact when the

other saw the dead up there where he saw all

these performances he saw the light from the buddies he shouted from up there the the conviction of the

Christians is the true one, the god of the Christians is true and they heard it

there and died again down there and we have him as a witness of our church,

a witness but we remained there lukewarm her

lukewarm until p

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