


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Γερόντισσα Χριστοφόρα για το Θαύμα του Αγίου Ανθίμου


 while he was having his eyes closed, an Angel appeared and shook him, and the Angel told him Anthimos follow me the angel said, it was his soul and disappeared, a half-hour passed,

and the bell rang, time for food, and it was winter, and everybody has gathered, and they were waiting for us, one old sister said to the elder loudly, Elder it's time for us to eat, the elder wasn't there, she speaks out loud again, she goes close to him pushes him, no answer and all the sisters said after leaving him to sleep if he needs to sleep, he couldn't wake up 2,3 times other sisters come to try to wake him up but nothing we said to them silence ... he is sleeping, he can not wake up? after one hour passed he came alone, without the angel, he got into his body, and he said Glory to God thank you Virgin Mary for saving them, 2 other sisters asked the elder, whom did they save elder? the elder replays saying that it's not your business to know. time pass one month? we heard someone crying someone had come to the monastery, a captain, kneeling at the elder's feet saying to the elder, thank you, elder, thank you saved us, No my dear the virgin Mary was, No elder it was you I saw you, he was the spiritual child of the elder, one other nun goes there and asks the captain, please tell us what's going on. And he started saying to us, we went to India, and on our coming back, we caught a siphon. I saw with binoculars that it was coming towards us, very fast, and he said to the rest of his crew, we are lost. Each one of us started praying, the captain said that he had the picture of his spiritual father, and immediately bend on my knees lifting the pic up and praying for help from, holy father please save us. Immediately without delay, I saw the old man=father Anthimos above me smiling at me, saying to me don't be afraid my son, and he takes with his hand carrying the ship to kilometers away from the storm. and placing it on a rocky islet. when the danger passes how will we manage to go back into the sea? when everything calmed down we all said that we must gather some money for the monastery to show our appreciation, and I asked the elder what the monastery needed because the captain insisted the elder said ok bring us a machine so we can take out the water from the well, shaft=to water our trees

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