


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

 The illusion of freedom of choice

In Orthodox theology, salvation is the result of the synergy of divine grace and human will. Synergy does not mean that human actions are equivalent to actions of God but that salvation brings together the human and the Divine will.

But what is the nature, the properties, and the strength of the human will? It is so strong and unfettered human will to determine life and salvation?

 I do not think that somewhere in the head or heart lies a free and unfettered, leading consciousness that has the potential to overcome the need. I do not think that there is a dynamic, observant center, a powerful perceptual, volitional point freely regulates and directs thinking, action, and emotion. The studies, experiences, and reflections do not tolerate such a conclusion. I can not see autonomous and detached from Grace's freedom. I think that freedom of choice is not unconditional but rather an experiential epiphenomenon of the interaction of many factors. belief systems, experiences, emotions, needs, desires, knowledge, environmental conditions, interpersonal relations, personal struggle, and Grace interact continuously on a conscious and subconscious level, cultivating inside our existential fermentations which orient our giving the empirical illusion of freedom of choice.

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