


Friday, October 28, 2016

God Almighty

Is JESUS CHRIST The Almighty God? What Saith The Pure And Holy Written WORD Of God, The SCRIPTURES? 13 {of 150+} SCRIPTURAL “Reasons” JESUS CHRIST Is Almighty God: 1) God Was Manifest In The Flesh! (1 Timothy 3:16) JESUS CHRIST Was Manifest In The Flesh! (John 1:14) 2) JESUS CHRIST Is EMMANUEL “interpreted = God with us!" (Matthew 1:21-23) 3) The SON, JESUS CHRIST Is Called God, By HIS Own Father! (Hebrews 1:8) 4) JESUS CHRIST Is Called The Great God And Saviour! (Titus 2:13) 5) JESUS CHRIST Is Called The Mighty God! (Isaiah 9:6) 6) JESUS CHRIST Is Called The True God And Eternal Life! (1 John 5:20) 7) JESUS CHRIST Is Over All, God, Blessed For Ever. Amen! (Romans 9:5) Therefore, ALL the “evidence” In The Pure And Holy WORD Of God Plainly And Clearly Teaches All “humble” students that: JESUS CHRIST Is God Almighty! Amen? 9) JESUS CHRIST was WORSHIPPED! (Matthew 2:11, 9:12, 14:33, 28:9; Luke 24:52) Since ONLY God is to be worshipped! (Matthew 4:10): Holy SCRIPTURE Clearly Teaches us JESUS CHRIST is God! 10) Every knee shall bow, and "every tongue" shall confess to GOD! (Romans 14:11). The GOD "every tongue is confessing to,” Is JESUS CHRIST! (Philippians 2:11). 11) JESUS CHRIST Is Called The SAVIOUR! (Luke 2:11; Titus 1:4, 2:13; 2 Peter 1:1,11, 2:20, 3:18, 1 John 4:14) Therefore, JESUS CHRIST Is God! 12) JESUS CHRIST Forgave sins! (Matthew 9:2; Mark 2:5) ONLY GOD Can Forgive sins! (Mark 2:7) Pure And Holy SCRIPTURE Teaches us (Titus 2:13): JESUS CHRIST Is The Great God, The Only Saviour Who Can Forgive sin!! (If we DENY His Deity, how can He forgive us our sins?) And, Finally, WHO Is God, The JUDGE Of All?